Also New here - and worried about tummy pains!


Sep 15, 2010
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Hi Ladies,

Ive just joined and am enjoying reading your threads! This is my first pregnancy after trying for a year, me and my hubby are thrilled but Im also so worried as I want my little one so badly. According to the docs Im 7 weeks, should be 8 weeks tomorrow but all these due date tools tell me different!.

Just wondering though is anyone else experiancing short lived dull pains in the middle of my tummy, a few short sharper (although not agonising) at the bottom of my tummy, a few stomach cramps, aches in my hips and back etc? Im a little concerned about it, my Doc doesnt seem too worried and says its all part of the process, what do you think?

Im awaiting midwife and scan appts now, although Im worried that they will do it and there be no baby actually there, something Im sure every woman worries about :eh:

Sorry sound like a worry wort, which I am but Im also overly excitable, I just want to tell everyone and look at baby things etc etc!

SB17 xx
Hey, I'm about 5 weeks and have dull pains too, and lower back ache and thighs, been told its all about your body changing to get ready for the next 9 months, as long as no strong pains or bleeding think it's normal, hope this helps, but i'm in the same situation. x
Hello I have got that too!!! I got told today it's normal everything stretching. Also I have found pains worsen if I need to go toliet. X x
Thanks girls this is reassuring!

You think that whether you can get pregnant is your biggest worry but then you do get pregnant and the real worries begin! ha ha!

However saying that Im so excited, cant wait to see my baby! Wish I could get a my scan early, the next few weeks waiting for it are going to drag!
i agree about the time dragging! i found out eaxctly a week ago that i was preggers so i am 5 weeks tomorrow and time seems to be standing still!!! Can't wait to make it to 12 weeks and have that first scan and know everything is ok!!!
All of your symptoms are normal in early pregnancy hun.

I agree time is definatly dragging, i thought this year was flying till i found out i was pg just over a week ago! x x

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Liagments are stretching please dont worry this is normal
Hello and welcome - as the other girls have said it's absolutely normal - just everything stretching and making room for your LO to grow xxxx

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