Alpha Thalassaemia - erm wot?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
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One more thing to be scared about, I am afraid.

My wife got her test results back yesterday, and apparently she might be a carrier of something called Alpha Thalassaemia - anyone know anything or had the same? Apparently more common in southeast asia, but not unheard of in europeans. Anyway - I have had to have a blood test to see if I am a carrier as well. Apparently could be bad news if I am, so will be a nervous few days until my results come back.

Ah well, something to take our mind off the morning sickness, tiredness, etc.

Just wondering if anyone had heard of it...

hun sorry i cant be any help but :hug: :hug: :hug: hope your results come back quickly and that you are not a carrier and all will be well xxxxxxxx
Thanks - I know it is unlikely, but if I am we are apparently talking about things like blood transfusions of the baby while still in the womb, and organ problems from 6 months. However unlikely it is, the blood tests cant come quick enough to put our minds at ease...... :pray:
Sorry to hear that you have this worry Jimmer -hope your tests come back clear and all turns out to be ok :hug:
Thanks all for the links - big help.

Just have to wait until next tues for when my results come in. Seems the likelihood is pretty remote - just have to wait and see. What would pregnancy be without things to worry about!!! :D
Oh I hope everything works out fine and Im sure it will!! :D :hug:
I had my tests for that today!
My husband is Cypriot - does that put us at risk of this, and if so will the amniocentesis test I had yesterday pick this up? They said they'd test for "everything".

Jimmer, good luck and I'm sure it'll be all clear for you. :)

Amethyst - my leaflet (and Midwife) gave me the impression that they only test the Father if the Mother's test shows her as a carrier. It also says that they test by 10wks preg so you may have had the test when you first had your bloods done. The links that have been posted may help you more but if you're concerned just ask your GP or Midwife.

Hope this help
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CH0C0H0LIC said:
Amethyst - my leaflet (and Midwife) gave me the impression that they only test the Father if the Mother's test shows her as a carrier. It also says that they test by 10wks preg so you may have had the test when you first had your bloods done. The links that have been posted may help you more but if you're concerned just ask your GP or Midwife.

Thanks very much. I spoke to my hubby and he said he was aware of it because he's Mediterranean and had been made aware by his Mum. He explained that to be affected the child would need to have two copies of the defective gene which means that if I was a carrier and he was a carrier there'd be a risk. I get my first blood test results back early next week (I saw the docs late here because I had to get my health card sorted on the Spanish healthcare system which took over a month :evil:) so I'll see if they tested for it then. As I'm European I'm hoping there's no risk there. Thanks for all your help, and sorry Jimmer for hijacking your thread. :doh:

That's alright! Glad it helped!! :D

It is one of the tests that are done on the blood taken at the first midwife appointment - so should be covered! I am only being tested, as already said, as my wife might be a carrier. But then again she might not and it might be mild anaemia.

Very confusing!!!!!

I had this with my first pregnancy. They worried the hell out of me. I am british and thought it was unheard fo europeans but apparently not. They likened it to sickle cell anaemia.

Anyway they made my partner have urgent blood tests and everything was fine!

They did give me a leaflet on it though, can't remeber what it said.

Try googling it if you are worried. But i think it is more of a precaution thing!!


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