All you lucky pg ladies!


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2008
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So c'mon ladies, now you're pg, how are you feeling? We all know what a nightmare symptom spotting is in the 2ww, but do you still do it once you're actually preggers?? :lol Be interesting to know!!!

katexx :hug:
I hope you still do it when Pg Kate, just no need to put your feet on the radiator :rotfl:
do you mean do we still symptom spot? ummm yes (don't think i have a choise :roll: )
:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: I thought she ment ((still do IT)) :oops: :oops: :oops:
Symptom spot, erm yes, I did. (but then still done IT as well :oops: )
Its your fault Kate, I still have the raditor and balancing laptop on boobies in my head :shock:
Before I got sickness yes, I kept looking for reassuring signs but when the nausea kicked in, I didn't worry and since i've had my scan, Im just assuming all is well as my belly is getting bigger lol

At first though, you don't really feel much so you never really believe it, or at least I didn't! :hug:
Donna I wish I had never told you that :oops: :rotfl:

I hadn't realised you had such a one track mind!! :lol:

I do hope you still do 'it' but just wondered how it felt to actually 'be' pregnant. This is one of those posts which sounded better in my head :roll: sorry guys!!

Being pregnant feels great but its hard work!!!! Especially in those first few weeks when your feeling really sick and tired. You do definately feel different, although sometimes I do wake up and it takes me till about 9 o clock to remember im pregnant, think thats because im running around after a lively 21 month old!!!! :D
Will let you know how bad I get over the coming weeks. With Maddison I was obsessive and had 5 scans throughout the pregnancy just to check she was ok :oops: but this was because I had no pregnancy symptoms when carrying her for the first 5 months :wink:

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