All these Do's & Dont's.......please help!!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2011
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Hi Girlies,

So I'm currently 6 wks 1 day without a symptom in the world and I'm starting to think have I done something wrong and harmed the baby!!
I'm currently sitting in a warm bath (after a few days camping in the peak district) and I'm sure I heard somewhere that hot baths are bad for baby?
Also I did a four mile trek, my doctor says exercise is good whereas I've read somewhere that this can harm baby too!
I just feel that if this is the case then I should just do nothing for the next 6 weeks.....I'm so confused!
Also food wise, I know to stay clear of shellfish and mayo but just read about peanuts???!......its like where does it stop!!
I don't thinl it makes it any better that I don't even feel pregnant!


All my doc said is dont smoke, don't drink booze and try to have a balanced diet. Moderate exercise is very good just not stuff that is high intensity like spinning or sprinting - that leaves you on the verge of collapse lol. Not sure about baths I don't think u are supposed to have them too hot. As for peanuts they are not recommended if you or daddy have a history of asthma or hayfever xx
You can still eat peanuts so long as you aren't already allergic to them. Mayonnaise like hellmans out of a jar is fine, just avoid mayo which might be homemade and therefore not have pasteurised eggs in it. Anything with pasteurised or powdered eggs is absolutely fine to eat. Walking and exercise is good for you and bean, just don't push yourself or do more than you usually would.

I am now over 3 months and still to experience symptoms, had about 10mins of nausea a fortnight ago and thats pretty much it. I was worried at first too that I wasn't having symptoms when other people get really bad sickness, think yourself lucky though. The midwife said lots of people don't get anything, be happy with it cause if we were sick we would instantly wish it was the other way round.

Did your midwife give you a book about pregnancy? my book covers lots of things you can/cant do/eat/not eat etc.

You'll be fine. Good luck with the next few months. xx
most women never feel pregnant, some get morning sickness and some dont, if u dont count urself luckyas its not somethng i id wish on anyone as ive had 10 wks and even in hospitl for it.

warm baths are fine thething with hotbaths is theyincrease ur temp and because of increased blood flow can make u dizzy thats all.

peanuts are not good as they can cause allergies which is why you cnt ive them till cildren til they a older.

try not to worry as stress really isnt good for you xx
Thanks girls, puts my mind at rest a little.
I haven't had a midwife appt yet as Doctors just said she will contact me when I'm about 10 weeks gone so just going with the flow really.
Glad other women have not had symptoms and are past the 12 week mark too, I just keep thinking 'could it be that that's hurt the little bean' or 'should I not have done that'........I suppose only time and nature will tell huh?!!

Aw try not to worry - although I did! Basically what I did was stop Googling every last thing and just stuck with the NHS website about dos and dont's - it's much easier!
And just trust your instinct xxx
hi hun. I was exactly the same when i was at that stage and i'd do things and then people would say dont do that! ITs very confusing but it soon gets easier and u just have to relax and try not to worry!... easier said then done i know!
hot baths are more for the later stage of preg as it heats up the waters and can make u over heat and dizzy etc. but as long as its not boiling its ok. When i was in hospital the midwife ran me a bath and it was lovely and warm and i asked and she said as long as its not BOILING dont worry, although i dont know how anyone can get into a boiling bath.
Mayo's are fine if they are from a jar.... just check the label and if it says pasteurized egg its ok! Dont forget to ask if you eat out too as i used to get sandwiches with mayo in at my local bakery for lunch at work and never thought to ask and it wasnt until they knew i was preg they said oh no its homemade mayo! but i did eat it for 4months or so and did me no harm...its just a precaution as u can get salmonella.

I had ms all through my pregnancy.... even up the the week i gave birth! :crys: think yourself lucky....

Also i'd say not to try and keep finding ways to see if they're ok.... i got really paranoid and bought a home Doppler and when i couldnt find a heartbeat i used to freak out! and be on the phone to the mw saying i cant find it!!! just turned out he didnt like them and used to roll over whenever anyone put it on my belly. :roll:

sorry for rambling.. :/ jut enjoy the pregnancy! x
in my pregnancy book it says not to have hot baths in early pregnancy as your body temp will rise and could cause you problems BUT i think the bath would have to be very hot! xx
I have a friend, who's not pregnant but she loves her baths boiling hot, untill her skin goes blotchy and she literally cant move, she stays in til she starts getting short of breath. I think she's crazy. But I suppose thats what we should be avoiding.
I had a foot spa last night with quite hot water. After about 10 mins i started to feel very hot and nearly passed out. I dont think i could even manage a bath that hot now just incase.
Hey hun. All these dos and dont drive me crazy. I have been worrying myself sick over miscarriage but the one thing I havent worried about is foods etc. My midwife said no rare meats, no runny eggs, no homemade mayo, coleslaws, pate and no raw shellfish. Dont smoke or drink and cut down on caffeine. Thats it. Exercise is fine but not to the extreme, cycling and swimming are excellent and both midwife and all my books say the same. Sex is fine. Baths, as long as you dont wince when you step in and its not making your skin red raw, its fine. Peanuts are personal preference. If you have no allergies in the family, Im guessing you should be ok. This is my first baby but Ive spoken to all my friends, family and colleagues who have children and most of them who are older had none of this food scare and dont do this that and the other when they were pregnant. My Mum didnt even see a midwife through her pregnancy just a Dr. My work colleague ate what she liked and was fine. Some may see it as irresponsible to be so carefree but its just getting silly imo. What about ladies who dont know theyre pregnant and eat, drink, smoke etc and have healthy babies.
Just enjoy being pregnant, or you'll end up a worried mess like me lol.
Well said cherry.

We have enough to worry about during pregnancy. If you were to go out and eat one of these foods by mistake, I cant imagine it would cause any problems, they just advise you in general to avoid certain things, due to bacteria ect.
Thank you for all your inputs girls!!!
I am hating Tri-1 so far, its not been the happy enjoyable few weels I'd imagined I must say! And I've got another 6 weeks of this to go! :-(
Lisa, I HATE Tri 1 too but am just trying to not worry and get by each day :)

Yup I hated Tri 1 too.

Even going through it before, you really forget how bad it is. It honestly does get better, just keep thinking that. I started to lose all my symptoms by 10/11 weeks.


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