
Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Hi Ladies,

Last week I started bleeding and have since been for 2 scans which show that the baby is growing normally and that there is a heartbeat etc.

When we found out that I was pregnant we were really happy and excited and were really close when we went for the first scan. However, in the week where I had to wait for the second scan, my feelings and everything seem to have totally changed and it's terrifying me and really upsetting me.

Basically I convinced myself that I had miscarried so I was getting my head around that. My boyfriend was, and always is, being really sweet but I just felt like I didn't want him anywhere near me. I got to the point where I was actually hoping that the pregnancy had ended as it seemed like the easier option, so when the lady told me 'one baby, one heartbeat' I was surprised again and my boyfriend was just beaming and I felt myself smiling and feeling relieved too. However, it then felt like he was really pushing me for answers on whether I was ok with it and just pressuring me into doing cartwheels and I just feel all over the place now. I am having this huge dread that I am making a mistake or that we aren't right for each other and it's really upsetting me. He is so lovely and doesn't deserve me being a complete bitch to him or messing his feelings around.

I have been pregnant twice before and this has happened with both partners previously so I don't know if it's just hormones or whether there is more weight in my feelings.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this???

Brooke x x
I haven't experience this but wanted to said you some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think what you are feeling is perfectly normal x
From what I have read around the place, it's perfectly normal at the beginning of your pregnancy to have this feeling that you are making a mistake. I guess it's because it's such a big life change and responsibility and it can bring panic... I have experienced this myself on odd days when I've been more 'hormonal' than usual.

You said yourself that your partner is lovely... maybe you should focus on that and remember back to your original feelings of happiness when you discovered you were pregnant.

I think that when you found yourself almost wishing for the 'easier way out' this was probably a defense mechanism... you thought something had already happened and so you adjusted your thinking around it to protect yourself from upset.

I only found out I was expecting about a week ago and it's already been an emotional rollercoaster so I know that it can be hard when you feel somebody is pressuring you to be all happy and your head is all over the place. Just explain to your fella that your hormones are getting to you and that you may seem a little distant and moody but that you love him and you're happy about this baby :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope you feel better soon chick xx
I haven't experience this either but thought id send you one of these :hug:
Aww honey :hug: :hug: It's perfectly normal. I had similar feelings in this pregnancy and the one before. It's just your hormones messing you around :hug: :hug:
Did you actually feel as though you and your partner just weren't right, even though you're married?

I have just totally pushed my boyfriend away and feel like I don't want to be around him at the moment.

I have been so confused about things but this morning I walked past a shop and there were little baby clothes in the window and I thought that I know that I want to be a Mum. I'm just terrified that I'm doing it with the wrong person. But then I guess that what will be will be. It's just hard because my OH is saying that he doesn't want to be a weekend Dad and that if I don't know if we're right then we shouldn't be having a baby. But like I said, we KNEW the risks and it's our responsibility so it's not fair on a baby to use the alternative option as a form of contraception!! I know that I want to be a Mum, I'm just so confused about me and him.....

It's really horrible feeling like this..............

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