Alice Olivia's Birth story :)


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Jul 8, 2011
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Alice Olivia Bairstow - Birth Story.

Thursday 19th January (Due Date) I went for my midwife appointment and mentioned I had not felt baby move at all that day, so they went to listen with the Doppler, After what felt like years (more like 5 minutes) they found the heartbeat but wanted me to go get monitored at the hospital to double check everything.

Got to the hospital with my mum and after a long wait was hooked up to a machine, as they hooked me up the baby started kicking away… making me feel like I had wasted there time. They only monitored me for about ten minutes but said that it had moved enough and there was nothing wrong. I told my mum something didn’t feel right in my bones but thought I was been silly.

Thursday Night I woke up with a terrible headache I don’t know if its related but I never get headaches and it was bad, I took a paracetamol and went back to sleep.

Friday 20th January (1 day over) I woke up and at about 10am I noticed that I had very very mild cramps in my stomach, I timed them at two minutes apart lasting 40 seconds, this confused me as I always thought they got stronger and closer together and then you went to hospital not so mild there hardly there but really close! Anyway as the day went on the slowly got stronger but I could still talk and walk etc so I called the hospital to ask what I should do because the times where so close, they said because of the day before I should go back in to be checked. Phoned husband to come home from work, got my things together and we went to hospital.

After waiting in a corridor and then the waiting rooms going very quiet and gripping the sofa arm scaring most of the women waiting for there scans I think I was monitored for about an hour and heartbeat/ movements where strange until they gave me a cold drink, they went normal. Midwife could feel tightening I where having, they got slightly worse, not so I was screaming or anything I would just go quiet for a minute while they went away and I was counting down the time. I focused on a screw in the panel on the ceiling but was silent.

They did an internal exam but my Cervix was only ‘midway and not dilated’ so the doctor said I was not in labour just having slight tightening and to come back to be induced on the 31st January.

3.30 we set off home. As soon as I got in the house the pain got a lot worse, I tried taking paracetamol and got in the bath (crawled there I couldn’t walk) and still thinking I was not in labour was devastated the bath didn’t help. I got out because it didn’t help and went to the toilet and had a poo, I could only get comfortable on the toilet or squatted curled knelt down.

4.30 got my Husband to call the hospital and tell them labour or not I wanted pain relief. And we set off! I told my Husband I needed to push in the car-- I did it was so strange I couldn’t help pushing the contractions where less painful when I pushed for some reason.

5.00 we arrived at the hospital, my husband went to park as I walked in, as I got through the doors my legs went, I couldn’t walk I just wanted to crouch on the floor, luckily a midwife was on her way out of the hospital she was called Geraldine and asked if i was ok, got me a wheel chair and took me to delivery, my waters broke on the way in the corridor and the pains where coming every few seconds apart. I climbed on the bed and the midwife gave me gas and air, It was the best ting I have ever had it took all the pain away, apart from pushing sounds I didn’t scream like I thought I would. The midwife examined me and told me the baby was about 3 inch from crowing and to push away.

Unfortunately she noticed that the baby had pooed in the waters so they hooked a heart monitor to babies head and had me turn on my side. My husband called my mum who rushed there and at 5.50pm my Baby was born. I looked at her and said ‘its me!’ My husband checked twice and we had a baby girl! Our little Alice Olivia weighing 8 pounds 15 ounce My husband cut the cord and I had my skin to skin contact. All my husband kept saying was ‘hello gorgeous’ to her was so sweet.

I had stitches and that was it, the birth of my little girl. A lot different than I thought and a lot easier. I didn’t get the water birth I planned but a lovely almost painless labour. And a beautiful baby to show for it x
Oh wow honey you did fantasticall! Lovely story xxxxx
Thnak you it wasnt a very informed labour watch because it was over so quickly lol finally remembered to post it! xx

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