Alex Robert David Recardo 09/03/2008


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Aug 16, 2006
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So Finally we are home and I can write my birth story! I will try not to waffle on!

Well on Saturday 8th March I woke up at 4.00 in the morning with a bit of backache and felt an urge to have a bath, so I put on the hot water and went downstairs with the spare duvet to wait for it to get warm, and watched the baby birth programmes on discovery. I fell asleep and at 7.15 was woken to a feeling like I had wet myself I shot up of the sofa and ran to the kitchen where my waters broke fully and luckly it was on the laminate floor!
I felt no pain all day and at about 8.00 Saturday night my contractions started. I managed to sleep through the first couple of hours but by 5.00 in the morning we went to the hospital and were sent home (I was only 2 cms) the pain increased dramatically from there, by 9.00 we were back at the hospital I refused to be sent home even though I was only 2 ½ cms. I also had some stuff to make the contractions stronger and they gave me pethadine and that helped loads, I talked so much crap! I was getting all of the pain in my back and was really struggling to cope. They gave me some more Pethadine which didn’t do a lot and by 3.00 I had an epidural. I felt great for a while but the pain was building in back and bum and even the epidural didn’t stop it hurting, They topped it up and it made no difference. At 5.00 the babies heart rate dropped and wouldn’t pick up. They stuck a monitor onto its head, which was very painful, and also took blood from his head. His heart rate picked up and they let me labour on a bit more. I was 4 cms for about 4 hours and the baby was getting distressed again by about 9.00. It turns out he was back to back and had his chin up, so was in a really akward position. At 10.15 they whisked me off for an emergency C-section. Simon was by my side through out and was great at distracting me from what was going on, he was talking to me about baby names. Then before I knew it I saw a baby being lifted up and then I heard him cry! It was the most amazing feeling in the world, and when they said it’s a boy and I burst out crying. Simon really wanted a boy I wasn’t bothered about it being a boy or a girl for me, but I am so glad he got a son. We called him Alex Robert David Recardo, I will never forget the look on simons face.
To be honest everything else feels like a drunken memory (all the drugs).
We got to the ward and simon had to go home, I tried to breast feed but struggled. I tried for 4 days without success and got very emotional about the whole thing. He got very Jaundice and I made the choice to bottle feed. We went home on Thursday only to be readmitted on Friday, as he was much more Yellow. We got a private room, which was much better. He was put under the UV lamps and I had to wake him every 3 hours to feed. We were finally allowed home Yesterday. He has to have another blood test tomorrow to make sure his levels arent rising , but apart from that he is doing great!

I cant believe how much one little person can change your whole life! He is so amazing!!!

Alex born 9th March 10.26pm weighing 7lb 8oz

Congratulations Gem :cheer:
He is absolutely lovely. Glad all is well :lol:
If you dont mind me asking how was the hospital and staff as i think we are under the same hossy.
Well done Gemma and congratulations to you all :hug: :cheer:

He is scrummy :D

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