Alex had his first trial at nursery today.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I know hes only 5mths old but we dont have anyone to give us a break even for a couple of hours so we have decided to put him into our local surestart nursery for 1 afternoon a week until I go back to work in October. It will be 1-4pm (so only for 3 hrs)
He had his first trial session today, and loved it. I stayed with him today and next week I stay for an hour and then leave him for a bit, and he following week I leave him for the whole session.
Im not worried about leaving him there. In his room there are only a few other babies and one of those is his cousin, who is one next month.
I am so happy to be able to have an afternoon to myself... I know i will miss him like mad but I really need to have a few hours.. Even if its just to catch up on my house work or go swimming
Since we had alex we have had no-one to really help us. My mum would love to but shes too poorly, and his mum isnt here much, even though she only lives round the corner she is always at her caravan or too busy. At least this way we dont have to rely on anyone else.
Friends all offered to look after him when he was first born (but to be honest I didnt want to let him out of my sight, and didnt really need the help then, he was always asleep!) but now I need it they all seem too busy.
When I go back to work he will be there everyday so I am glad we are giving him plenty of time to settle in.
Aw, its wierd eh? :hug:
I went to look around one as Ted will be going for 2 days a week in November.
I'm going to put him in for a few weeks before, to get him (and me) used to it...i won't know what to do with the free time!!! :lol:

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