Alert stupid questions...


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2011
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Trying to make a list of all that I need for the nursery and I got stuck in simple things...

Bare with me please, I know those are basic things lol...

1).Ok having a nursery with the entrance through our room but at the beggining baby will sleep in our room. Where do we put the changing diaper table? It would fit in the room with us with a lot of effort but do we want to change diapers during the night that will stink the whole room that we will all sleep? Or do you leave the changing table in the nursery and carry baby there for a change during the night?? And actually how much changing baby's need during the night??
2) for those with 2 floor houses where is the baby sleeping during the day?

I am sure more are in the way lol...
They aren't stupid questions! We have a change table in the nursery. Right now lo sleeps in our room, and we just put a towel on the bed and change her there. I just have a basket with some nappies and wipes next to the bed. Through the night I only change her at every feed unless she is fussy because she needs to be changed. She is only 4 weeks nd still working on BFing so i have a chair set up in my room and we hang out there all day. When she is older I will probably move the basket of nappies downstairs so I can change her easily down there. Hope that helps! Xx
I have a change table in Henry's nursery but do the same as mrs km and put a towel on the bed to change him. I have a supply of nappies/wipes by the bed and also downstairs where I have a changing mat for during the day.

With regards to sleeping, Henry sleeps in his moses basket. We have 2 stands, 1 downstairs and 1 upstairs. We just carry the basket up at night and down in the morning.
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I always change Alyssia in her nursery it can be a pain sometimes but I feel like its getting her used to being in her own room so that when she does go in there eventually its not such a scary place and more familiar.

As for naps, might get shot down for this but she goes in her moses basket in her cot in her room, she sleeps much better in there for some reason as we did start of with moses basket in same room as us etc (not ready to do this during the night, she goes in our room) I know its against goverment guidelines etc cos of SIDS but we have a camera monitor and I check on her regularly. Our house is two storey and not exactly massive LOL

Do what you think is right neither way is right or wrong you do what you think is best for your child and what your the most comfortabe with.
We never had a change table and not planning on buying one this time around. We used a mat in the lounge/bathroom and just popped a towel on the bed for night changes.
Just do what ever is easiest for you. If its a squeeze I'd put it in the nursery.

Were in a flat but during the day baby slept in the lounge with us, I just felt more comfortable doing it that way. x
Thank you all, I am completely overwhelmed with the amount of things that I need to organize and buy :doh: sometimes I feel that I can't do this. I am pretty sure that I will forget to buy sth essential lol.
You'll be fine and wont forget anything :) there are lists all over to help you decide what you really do need. I think there is a list on here too. x
U will be fine. The only essentials u need are nappies, wipes, bottles/formula if ff, somewhere for them to sleep and vests/sleepsuits. And dummies! They r s godsend. Make sure u have some even if u don't intend on using them because one night u will really need them!

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