Alcohol question


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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I need some advice please ladies.

Ive been a bit down recently and have decided a night out with the girls is what i need as its been so long since ive been able to go out and socialise and have a few drinks.

Im planning on feeding lo before i go out and expressing as much as i can off leading up to my night out. If during the night she wants more food than what i have expressed could i (my mum) give her formula. Then i should be fine to feed her in the morning.

How long does it take after drinking alcohol for it to be safe to feed i have read a lot of conflicting advice. The odd bottle of formula is not going to do her any harm is it as shes not used to it is it?
I don't know the answer to either question honey - I guess it depends how much you are drinking and if its lager/wine or spirits. I might be tempted to pump and dump in the morning too and give her EBM again just to make sure if you are having a big sesh.

I really just wanted to say - HAVE A FANTASTIC NIGHT OUT! You really deserve it.

Valentine Xxx
I not planning on having loads to drink (famous last words) as im sure a few glasses of wine will go to my head seeing as i havent drunk for so long.

Think i may pump and dump in the morning then just be safe.
I dont know how long it takes to get out of your milk but I have given Eva the occasional bottle of formula when I havent been able to express enough and she has taken it fine. Was actually a bit disgusted that she isnt a little more discerning after all my hard work making the good stuff for her :lol:

Enjoy your night out :cheer:
I think once its out of your bloodstream its out of your milk, so the suggested guideline is to leave 2hrs after your last drink before BF'ing, though that doesn't sounds very long at all, ask your HV, and as others have said, express in the morning and have a GREAT night out :D :hug: :hug: :hug:
clarey said:
Was actually a bit disgusted that she isnt a little more discerning after all my hard work making the good stuff for her :lol:

I know what you mean - Charlotte gulped down her first bottle of formula without a problem - I was devasted!

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