

Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2011
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Walking to collect kids from school this afternoon when my tummy went rock hard and started cramping, i was in agony doubled over in pain for about half an hour and took ages to get home cause walking made it worse. My back then started to ache and i got pressure in my 'foof'! So now im panicing thinking im going in labour 9wks early. I finally got home and layed on the sofa lifted my top up and had the biggest lump poking out of my stomach! Its gone now and my tummy feels like ive done 1000 sit ups! What do u girls think it was im still in pain but not so bad x
Ooh sounds like baby might have been in a funny position, could have bought on Braxton Hicks too? Unless the pains are regular or you have any water or blood I wouldn't worry too much and just see how it goes. Hope it eases off a bit soon for you x
I agree with Rachael. Sounds like the LO in a funny position, perhaps standing on a nerve or something. Sometimes I get dreadful foof pain because LO likes to use my bladder as a pillow. Wait and see how the pain goes and if it doesn't subside phone the midwife and put your mind at ease. xxxxx
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I get the awful cramping/stitch pain when Im walking sometimes which makes me double over and have to stop till it goes. Like the others say, Id be worried if accompanied with blood or extra water :) xx
Hi all, i had really sharp (stitch-like) pain to the rightof and level with my belly button, lasted over an hour husband was gonna take me to A & E as was very painful but eventually it subsided, im 32 weeks should I be worried? Ive got 2 kids already but theres a 14 yr age gap between this pregnancy and the last one!
It sounds like the pain i was getting yesterday. I think the girls were right babys just turned which was agony, but today i feel fine and babys kicking loads! X
It must just be the gestation because I was getting similar last night, was it a full moon or something?

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