I must of had a 6th sense, I started cramping and spotting red blood yesterday afternoon, went for scan this morning and they couldn't find anything in my womb, I'm meant to be 6 weeks, they thought maybe I'm only 4 weeks so it was too soon to see anything on the scan but when they tested my blood the hgc level was so low only 200 when it should be at least 1000, they also found a cyst on my ovary but they didnt seem concerned about that, my hgc level is so low it must be dropping so I think soon I will start bleeding more and miscarry, got another appointment at hospital in a weeks time, I have been ttc for 18 months this tis my first pregnancy I am distraught and the waiting is unbearable! I want to take timeoff work but dont know what to say to my boss, I'm a teacher and they don't know I'm pregnant or ttc