zebrastripes said:valentine said:None of the above!
I baby massage with grapeseed oil (natural oil), then get her dressed. We don't use nappy cream either, we use cloth nappies and natural wipes and we've never had a problem with nappy rash.
The less unnatural products, the better, I say!
Valentine Xxx
Grapeseed oil?Where do you get that?Just Holland and Barretts or somewhere? I stopped using Johnsons a while ago because I thought there were too many chemicals in it and have just used sunflower oil since then
Asda/Tesco/Sainsburys/Morrisons/Waitrose etc next to all the olive oils etc - and best of all its about 67p for a ginormous bottle! I bought a lovely glass bottle with a cork at a car boot sale to keep in her room on her change table and just decant into this so I don't have a huge bottle of cooking oil sitting in her room!

I did baby massage when DD was 3 weeks old and we used this there. Since then we've used this or olive oil for baby massage each night at home as part of DD's bedtime routine. We were told its good to use as its a natural food oil so if LO puts fingers in their mouth (all the time), then they are ingesting something natural and not petroleum (sp?) based.
Valentine Xxx