AF, BFN??? wot do these mean???


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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hiya ladies, im kinda new to this forum, and have noticed a lot of abbreviations going on can someone pleeeease tell me what they all stand for?? would really help me out wen im reading ur posts 8)
BFN - big fat negative

BFP - big fat possitive

OH - other half

DH - Darling Husband

LO - little one

LOL - lots of love or lots of laughs

AF - aunt Flow (basically your period)

Hope that helps :hug:

Good luck in TTC x
Heres some more hun:

2WW .... two week wait
AF ....... 'Aunt Flo' (menstrual period)
BBS ..... breasts
BBT ..... basal body temperature
BCP ..... birth control pill
BD ....... 'baby-dance' (sexual intercourse)
BFN ..... 'big fat negative' (pregnancy test)
BFP ..... 'big fat positive' (pregnancy test)
BIL ...... brother-in-law
CD ...... cycle day
CM ...... cervical mucus
CP ....... cervical position
DD ...... dear daughter
DH ...... dear husband
DPO .... days past ovulation
DS ...... dear son
EDD .... estimated due date
EWCM .. egg-white cervical mucus
FIL ...... father-in-law
FMU ..... first morning urine
HPT ..... home pregnancy test
IB ....... implantation bleeding
LMP ..... last menstrual period
MC ...... miscarriage
MIL ..... mother-in-law
MS ...... morning sickness
O ........ ovulation
OH ...... other half (partner)
OPK .... ovulation prediction kit
PG ...... pregnant
PMT ..... pre-menstrual tension
SIL ...... sister-in-law
TMI ..... too much information
TTC ..... trying to conceive
UTI ..... urinary tract infection

thanks! was really starting to bug, i guessed that af was period but couldnt figure out wot each letter wud stand for, anyway, thanks again :wave:
woah how am i gona remember all them??? *gets a pen n paper out to stick a list to computer* lol
Lol there are loads but u do get used to em as ur going along hehe!
Trust me it becomes second nature after a while. Im sure you will get the hang of it soon!
hey YM2B :wave: i was the same as you when i first joined, it becomes second nature to you once you have posted a bit.

good luck TTC :hug:
youngmumtobe20 said:
woah how am i gona remember all them??? *gets a pen n paper out to stick a list to computer* lol

its easy when you start useing them yourself :hug:
youngmumtobe20 said:
btw ladies is my sig showing up? got a ticker but its not showing on my comp.

no hun. its a box with a cross here lol
I'm going to write all these down so that i remember them. :D
If you are like me, you will end up talking about your 'OH' in conversations and get a few blank looks and also ask your OH if he wants to 'BD'

Or is it just me?! :oops: :wink:
:rotfl: @ Alicebabe. Ive never spoke in abbreviations but i think in them all the time :D
Yep told a friend I got a BFN - she just looked like this :shock:

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