Af 4 days late...


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Hi all I'm 4 days late and have a few symptoms I keep feeling sick all the times and some smells are just making me want to vomit! Keep getting what my nan would call hot flushes! Anyway I decided to do a cheap test this morning and it's negative!! I have never been this late other than when I found out I was preg with my son! Can the test be wrong? Or am I out for this month... Has anyone else had this??

Also it might sound daft but can hiccups be a sign? I rarely get them but have had them every day for over a week!!

Losing hope now

Tia xxx
Yeah,in the last 3 months ive been late twice.Once by 5 days the most recent by 3 days and before that id be regular as clockwork.

could be pregnant.i know people say theres instances where some havent gotten a positive for a while after AF was due.Thats never happened to me,my negs have always been negs.

Hope it works out for you :)
Could easily be either, I'm about a week late (currently on CD38) I have dont several HPT's all BFN... so I looked back at my chart for this cycle and it looks like my body tried to ovualate on CD19 (when I usually do and thought I had) but for whatever reason wasnt successful so tried again about 8 or 9 days later so I'm going to be 8 or 9 days late most probably - a simialr thing could have potentially happened to you?? Or alternatively could easily be a shy BFP it does happen fairly frequently.

Hope you get your answer soon xx

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