

Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2006
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Hello all,

I posted in someone elses thread in 1st tri but noone replied :( maybe they thought I was crashing!!

Anyway, tomorrow my sil is having a birthday party for our little nephew who is 1. Anyway Grandma is going and she has shingles and I have heard I shouldn't go anywhere near, has anyone else heard this?

To go or not ot go that is the question xxx
wow that was quick, I only went for a piddle!!!

I think it is a form of chicken pox and is airbourne or something!!
Found this online...

Is shingles contagious?
Shingles is not contagious. Shingles occurs only when the virus in a person's body becomes active. Contact with an infected person will not cause shingles. However, although shingles is not contagious, contact with a person with shingles could lead to chicken pox in someone who has never had chicken pox and has not received the varicella vaccine.

If you have had c/pox before you should be ok :D
thanks you!!! jelly and ice c :hug: ream for me then!!
Sorry to make it miserable but if it was me i wouldnt go, if i am right my friend had chicken pox before but she got them again when her two children got them.
oh bugger!! I think I will start a poll, lets take a vote!! (I've not done one before I just want an excuse!!) :rotfl:
missac said:
oh bugger!! I think I will start a poll, lets take a vote!! (I've not done one before I just want an excuse!!) :rotfl:

You're gonna become the poll queen now I just know it :lol: :rotfl:

I voted that you should go...having read what Kirly found I would go and maybe just try to keep at a distance where possible?? I'm sure she wouldn't be offended, you don't wanna miss out your nephews 1st birthday! And if you flip it round then grandma surely wouldn't go to a kids party if she was worried about spreading the virus??
a couple of my friends said that she shouldn't actually go!!

I am SO going to be the poll queen - just you wait I will be polling what colour knickers I should wear for the scan and everything! :rotfl:
ive had chicken pox twice once when i was 6 and then i caught it off my son when he was 4 :( i definately wouldnt risk it hun xxx
thanks for everyones votes, I am defo gonna do another poll about something!!!

Anyway to update sil is ill and cancelled the party so I don't have to offend anyone!! Looks like polar express in my jammies yea me!!!
If I have a client with shingles we wont let pregnant carers near them just in case.
seem like the idle solution for you...hope sil is better soon
i'm going to do bugger all! I am watching you rang m'lord on sky +!! Just been to a maternity shop and spent £115 on two skirts and a beautiful wrap!! I need to recover! finish work in 20 mins and will be hitting the shops!!!!
get one of those wrap things, ideal for the weather and also for the bump and we can wear them after the arrival!!

I know you're not going to the party now, but I thought the info below I found on the website might be of help for future reference:-

Pregnancy and shingles Chickenpox and shingles are caused by the varicella zoster virus. Chickenpox is a very contagious disease that commonly affects children, but is usually mild. Most people are immune to chickenpox because they had it as a child. Even if you've already had chickenpox, the virus remains inactive in your body and you may get shingles (herpes zoster) in later life if the virus is reactivated. This can happen if your immune system is low - so is more common in older people, people who are run down, people with AIDS and people receiving treatment for cancer.Shingles usually lasts for 2-4 weeks. It starts with a tingling sensation and pain in the area affected - this can vary from person to person but it tends to follow the nerve lines such as the face or around the waist. You may have a fever and feel unwell. After about five days a rash appears on one side of the body, often over the ribs. The rash starts as blisters and after about three days they turn yellowish, then crust over. If you come into contact with someone with shingles, you cannot catch shingles from them, but you can catch chickenpox from them if you've never had it.Shingles is not transmitted through the air (from coughs and sneezes) like chickenpox is. It can only be caught from contact with the rash. This is why the rash, which is usually on the body, should be kept covered.If you get shingles while you are pregnant there's no risk of complications to your baby. This is because you are already immune to chickenpox. If you get chickenpox while you are pregnant there is a risk to your baby (see separate topic).If you are pregnant and know you are not immune to chickenpox (because you didn't have it as a child) it is very important to avoid anyone with chickenpox or shingles. If you do come into contact with anyone with chickenpox or shingles see your GP immediately or call NHS Direct on 0845 4647.
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Caz x

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