Advice/reassurance about alcohol consumption?


Jul 9, 2007
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Hello everyone,

I haven't really used a forum before but this one looks great.

I have just found out I am pregnant, about 2 weeks i reckon. Have now done 4 tests and all are positive. The thing is I am on my honeymoon as I just got married last weekend and over the course of that weekend at times I got very drunk and consumed quite vast amounts of wine and champagne. I am now worried I have done damage with all the drinking, can anyone advise/reassure (hopefully not condem)? Obviously I will stop drinking now.

Also as I am on my honeymoon my new husband and I are having sex quite a bit, is this safe for the pregnancy?

Very excited but also worried.

welcome to the forum and congrats. what a lovely suprise just after your wedding!!
its ok to have sex but if you have any bleeding then stop until you see your midwife..

as for the alcohol... dont worry about it. everyones drank a lot when they're in the early stages without even knowing they are pregnant..

i did. when i found out i was pregnant i was just thinking about the weekend before! i had drank so much and also i smoked 20 a day..

as long as you stop now then you will be fine :D
My sister drank a bit when she fell pregnant with her first. Her little one had no alcohol related problems whatsoever as, as soon as she found out, she stopped.
Didn't know for the whole first trimester with my son - drank all through that time - and no alcohol related problems. Obviously stop now but most women don't know till they're a good few weeks :D
Same here, found out on my 18th birthday and had already been drinking for about 4 weeks and I mean drinking :wall:

Paris is fine tho!
Hi Katee,

Snap! I got pregnant on honeymoon too and we didn't find out until we were back. So i spent 2 weeks in an all inclusive hotel drinking!!! GP and MW both said nothing to worry about and all the scans and tests have been fine so far, i stopped drinking as soon as i found out of course. I wouldn't worry if I were you :D
Congrats on pregnancy, Last pregnancy i found out at 20 weeks and spent the whole time drinking large amounts of wine, baby was fine.

Does any one still drink a small glass here and there or have you all stopped completely?
Hi Katee im new here too :wave:

I think that for the first couple of weeks you are ok as the embryo isnt getting anything from your blood until it attaches to the womb? I hope so anyway as I was drunk all the time before I got pregnant and my MW says it should be ok.
I still drink a glass of wine sometimes - my widwife says that it causes little or no harm to the baby at all.

Is that bad? lol
I'm having 2 glasses of red a week (was more like 15 before I got pregnant), spread over two days - I'm very careful on alcohol percentage and size of glass etc but I don't think it does any harm and we need some pleasures!
I had a drink last night a really really weak archers and lemonade, maybe will have one a month or something.... :D
Dont worry about it, we all do it!

Even if you want the odd drink it wont hurt as long as you dont overdue it, though the goverment is now recommending no drinking at all.

Personal choice though - i do like a drink once a week.
Thanks everyone, I am feeling a lot more reassured now. I plan to try to be as healthy as possible from here on in. I'm actually still on honeymoon at the mo in Italy. It is very strange not drinking on holiday but it is also nice to get the chance to let this news sink in without "normal" life distracting me.
Ive found some alcohol free wine, going to try it tonight....

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