Advice please :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
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Hey ladies

Please can someone advise? My LO (5 weeks old) has her first cold! OH has had it and passed it on! Bless her she's all snotty and just not herself :( wish I could have it for her!

I know there's nothing I can give her....but does anyone have any advise for making her more comfortable or less snotty, bless!

Thanks ladies xxx

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One thing is to raise the top end of her moses basket/crib cos it'll help her sleep better. You can also get 'snot suckers' which are like a tube to clear the nose but I don't know how easy that'd be to use on a 5 week old!
You can also use most saline nasal sprays from birth :)
I got o a snot sucker from eBay but they sell in boots etc . Poor little bubba xx

What Becky says :) You can get saline drops from docs and also you can get those plug in vaporiser things... never used them myself but i have heard they are good x
Aw thank ladies, I just hate that she's poorly! Poor little mite....I'll try some of these solutions!

Thank you xxx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Not sure but think the Karvol plug ins are from 3 months? They are mega strong, you walk in the room and walk into a wall of menthol lol! Would defo recommend them whenever they are allowed from :)
wet flannel on a radiator in the bedroom, steam, nose suck, fresh air
Thanks girlies :) I'll try them all! She's currently having a nice snuggle with daddy xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Just sent OH to late night chemist 20 mins away for saline and also did the suction thing up her nose.....she just sat and let me do it! Poor pumpkin!

Thanks ladies hopefully the saline will help x

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Saline decongestant drops you can use them on new borns and they are great . I had to buy them for lily as she was very congested the first few weeks :hugs: hope the poor little mite is feeling better soon .
We've done the drops and she seems a little better already! Bless her! I just wanna make it all better for her! Xx

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!
Cant ou use calpol or is she too young? Go to a
Chemist bc I did with A and although he was technically too young bc of how much he weighed incouldngive it to
Him. Think he was 5 weeks xx

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