advice please!x x


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Hi, I lost by baby at 11 weeks, 4 weeks a 3 days ago. When it happened I bleed for a week but I ve not had another period yet.
On a normal cycle you would be due on 28 days after the first day of bleeding, so I think I should ve come on 3 days ago.
I have no signs of it happening, has this happened to anyone else? How long after miscarriage did you have your next period?
I really want to get back to normal as I still feel so hormonal and we want to consider trying again after my first period (there is no way I could be pregnant now, not had sex)
thanks xxx
Hi Florida, lovely to see you back on here ..

Perhaps your hormone levels needed to lower completely before your normal cycle could resume , everyone is different.

If you don't get your AF in a week or so, it might be worth popping to the docs just to run it by them, I never had any follow up appointments after the MC and prob should have, so don't be worried to go along and ask.

I totally understand your need to be pregnant again, this is quite normal, and it will happen again for you, hang in there x
Hi jj mum,
are you trying or concieved yet?
I go away on Friday for 3 weeks, my plan was to hopefully fall pregnant then but I just dont know were I am up to with my cycle!
its so frustrating!!
Florida - I'm just pregnant again and back in Tri 1 (fingers crossed this ones a sticky)

We started trying straightaway and then I had a period 4 weeks after the D&C , (but think my hormones were lower by then anyway as a missed MC). I was sooo disapointed when it arrived as wanted to be continuously pregnant, but not to be. In hindsight I think my body did need to wait a month to get back to normal as my period was a funny one too. Then we really went for it the next cycle and bingo

So hang in there, you should be nice and fertile now after the MC and ready for a bfp in the next few months - (once I got past the arrival of the first period, I relaxed so much more, which was great as I was heading for meltdown!)

If your going away , is this somewhere that OH can go too?

Have you been in the TTC rooms yet to get to know the girls in there at the moment ? They really are a lovely bunch
I am som happy for you jj mum!! and it gives me hope too!!!!!
I really hope yours is a sticky one too !!! take care and thanks so much for your advice!!!! (I shall take a look on TTC)xxxxx

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