Advice please if this is similar to you

Aug 5, 2015
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Hi ladies
This is my first post on here as I've only just registered. I'm 11+3 weeks pregnant with baby no 2, my little boy is four so I can't remember much about this stage with him. At 9+4 wks I had a small bleed- enough to show on toilet paper as I wiped myself but nothing marking clothing or pads (sorry tmi!) it last 20 mins and not happened since. At the time I went into a panic as I had not seen a midwife yet (had booking in appointment on Monday at 11wks) I phoned the out of hours doc who got me an appointment at 2am as I was flying out to my holiday the next day. The doc felt my tummy tested my wee and said basically it's not normally a problem unless it had pain with bleed which I didn't have any. She said she had to advise me not to fly but there was no reason I couldn't provided I had no more bleeds. So I know it sounds silly as that was a week and a half ago, I've had my hol which was a week of complete relaxation and chilled out. I've still got morning sickness, loss of appetite and tiredness that I had before the bleed. My scan is not till 12+4 am u worrying over nothing? Would I know if baby had stopped growing etc? Has anyone had similar please share .....
Midwife at booking in appointment didn't seem bothered by the thought at all and she seemed lovely. Also I am AB rh negative blood and yet no one was bothered is that cod the bleed doesn't effect that yet???
Thanks so much in advance
Worried mummy xxxx
Have you heard of breakthrough bleeding? It's when you have a small bleed at the time your period would have been due. With my daughter I had one at 8 weeks and one just before 12 weeks. Some women have them right up until they give birth!
There really isn't any way of telling if everything is okay or not, which is really frustrating! Do you have an early pregnancy unit at your hospital? Perhaps you could go and see them if you do?
About the blood type thing: I really don't know anything about it, but I've seen it mentioned a lot on here, so I'm sure someone will be along soon to give you advice about that.
Good luck :) x
But that's the whole point of an epu?! At other epu's they won't see you AFTER 16 weeks!! That's crazy!! So if you have problems before then, what are you meant to do?
I know Hun but I was told to use emergency doc and not them as they wont see you until that point, it's silly .
Are you sure it's not the labour ward? Our labour ward won't see you if you're under 16 weeks, you go to another ward instead.
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Our epu is within maternity assessment unit and they just say see emergency doc/gp if you have a problem, my midwife wrote that in my pregnancy notes too. Very annoying. Xxx
Hi ladies
This is my first post on here as I've only just registered. I'm 11+3 weeks pregnant with baby no 2, my little boy is four so I can't remember much about this stage with him. At 9+4 wks I had a small bleed- enough to show on toilet paper as I wiped myself but nothing marking clothing or pads (sorry tmi!) it last 20 mins and not happened since. At the time I went into a panic as I had not seen a midwife yet (had booking in appointment on Monday at 11wks) I phoned the out of hours doc who got me an appointment at 2am as I was flying out to my holiday the next day. The doc felt my tummy tested my wee and said basically it's not normally a problem unless it had pain with bleed which I didn't have any. She said she had to advise me not to fly but there was no reason I couldn't provided I had no more bleeds. So I know it sounds silly as that was a week and a half ago, I've had my hol which was a week of complete relaxation and chilled out. I've still got morning sickness, loss of appetite and tiredness that I had before the bleed. My scan is not till 12+4 am u worrying over nothing? Would I know if baby had stopped growing etc? Has anyone had similar please share .....
Midwife at booking in appointment didn't seem bothered by the thought at all and she seemed lovely. Also I am AB rh negative blood and yet no one was bothered is that cod the bleed doesn't effect that yet???
Thanks so much in advance
Worried mummy xxxx

Hello. Im only in the early stages roughly 7/8 weeks. Anf i had bleeding for a week. I had a scan last week (tuesdsy) and saw the heartbeat. Which it all much better. i honestly thought i was losing the baby. All bleeding has now stopped and ive had no more cramps. Just extreme sickness. Ehich i never had in my ladt pregnancy. So it is like being pregnsnt first time all over again. Stay calm and relax xxx

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