Advice Please - Feeling Poorly!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2007
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Hi All

I am now 15 weeks and 1 day pregnant in my 2nd pregnancy and for the past few weeks have been getting headaches which have been getting worse, i go to sleep in a dark room and wake up in the morning at its still there!

Also since i can remember in this pregnancy i have had shortness of breath, exhaustion, feeling faint and dizzy and unable to walk for longer than 15-30 mins around a shopping centre (which used to be my hobby!!).

I thought in the second tri your supposed to feel blooming marvellous!! I also fewel thirsty all the time and have been taking pregnacare!

Ive phoned my midwife today who is going to look at my blood test results for anemia, but these were done at 6 weeks and if this was detected she would have called me about it already, i also have an appoinment with my GP in half an hour.

Its making me really hate being pregnant and getting me down, i feel 9 months already when im not even quite 4!!

Sorry for my rant, any advice would be appreciated

Gems x x
Hi Gems

Sorry you are feeling poorly.

Don't worry this sounds normal. I too get very thirsty and am so tired and keep thinking hey what has happened to the 2nd Tri energy levels that books mention. The headaches are probably hormonal but yeah it is the right thing to do, to call the MW to just check them out.

:hug: :hug:

i was the same when i was about 15 weeks (with headaches)

All i can say is that they do eventually go.

It's the hormones playing havoc with your body :wall:

I felt the same around your dates too, it was miserable but it does end. I thought I was Anemic too but it doesn't seem like it.

I hope you start to feel better really soon.

Alex xxx
hiya i suffer really bad with miagraines and when i have onewi gget really faint and dizzy and alot more symptoms try and keep a food diary and see if there is something triggering your headaches, if you drink caffine (mainly tea coffee coke) cut them out completely you should start to feel better

take care

Make sure they check your urine for glucose :hug:
I was very much the same as you, headaches, dizzy spells, no energy blah blah. I've managed to get rid of the headaches now and am no longer being sick at all although feel sick if I have an empty tummy. I went into town with hubby on tuesday and felt really dizzy, walked into the post office with him and there was a massive que so had to tell hubby I would wait outside. I got outside just in time because had I left it any longer and I would have been a gonner. I've suffred dizzy spells all my life so I know how to deal with mine but it can still be scary. My energy levels are getting better, I'm managing to do a few chores around the house now where as a week ago I couldnt do anything as I just felt deadbeat. I thought I was anemic because pre-pregnancy about 6 months before I was borderline anemic but when I got my results back it turned out that my iron levels are really good so get that for weired. Anyway i'm off for my afternoon nap, I really suggest daily naps if you can as they do help a little bit.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope all goes well at the doctors and you feel better soon. :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope all goes well at the doctors and you feel better soon. :hug:
Wow I was just about to start a thread on this!!!

I've been getting terrible headaches which don't seem to go after taking tablets... I'm drinking LOADS recently too and I'm STILL thirsty... Oh my god I hope I'm not anaemic!?

(Sorry to jump in on your post - but do you think I should see a doc before 20th March which is my next MW appointment?)

Sorry hun, I feel bad for getting in on your post! lol :oops: :hug: xx
Wow I was just about to start a thread on this!!!

I've been getting terrible headaches which don't seem to go after taking tablets... I'm drinking LOADS recently too and I'm STILL thirsty... Oh my god I hope I'm not anaemic!?

(Sorry to jump in on your post - but do you think I should see a doc before 20th March which is my next MW appointment?)

Sorry hun, I feel bad for getting in on your post! lol :oops: :hug: xx
dannii87 said:
Wow I was just about to start a thread on this!!!

I've been getting terrible headaches which don't seem to go after taking tablets... I'm drinking LOADS recently too and I'm STILL thirsty... Oh my god I hope I'm not anaemic!?

(Sorry to jump in on your post - but do you think I should see a doc before 20th March which is my next MW appointment?)

Sorry hun, I feel bad for getting in on your post! lol :oops: :hug: xx

The forums here to help people, silly :p

If you feel worried too, go to the doctor :)
dannii87 said:
Wow I was just about to start a thread on this!!!

I've been getting terrible headaches which don't seem to go after taking tablets... I'm drinking LOADS recently too and I'm STILL thirsty... Oh my god I hope I'm not anaemic!?

(Sorry to jump in on your post - but do you think I should see a doc before 20th March which is my next MW appointment?)

Sorry hun, I feel bad for getting in on your post! lol :oops: :hug: xx

The forums here to help people, silly :p

If you feel worried too, go to the doctor :)
Thanks guys for all your answers they have really helped and makes me feel better than im not alone in this!

The doc said everything seems fine but would like to take some more bloods, he said i just need to take it easy and have a couple of weeks off work etc

As for the headaches its the dreaded hormones, he said ill have to grin and bare it and they should past soon - i hope so, although it is not as bad today as i had a nice early night last night

x x x x x

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