Advice please - did anyone have similar??


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2007
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hi everyone :wave:
bit of a fraud posting over here before but was wondering if anyone could offer advice please? bit long winded and maybe tmi tho sorry
had on the 18th may and following this had a very light and short AF on the 8/6 (3 days) since then AF hasn't arrived.
wasn't too concerned but i now haven't been on for 7wks + 4days. (my longest gap before has been 5+4) and haven't been feeling 'myself' - can't sleep, lightheaded and off my food (which isn't me ) and feel queasy
i have done 3 tests - all of which are negative - am i testing too soon? or did anyone ever not get a BFP?
also rang my docs for an appointment to see if they could help and was told to "wait another 4 weeks and see" before ringing them again - is this normal?

any advice will be greatly received!!
Lou xx
sorry for rambling just unsure!!
Hmmm it does sound as though you might be pg, not very helpful of your doc though. They can be so useless. What brand tests have you taken? Also did you do them first thing as your hormone levels are highest when you wake up?
Your last AF could have been implantation, I had some light bleeding at 6 weeks and was told after a major panic that it was prob old implantation blood, it lasted about 3 days too

Good luck, hope you get sorted soon, I would be tempted to keep testing, some people take a while to get hormone built up enough to show up on test

thanks for replying clarey,
i first tested about 11days ago both times in the morning using cheap 'dip dtrips' from savers but tested today with first response - this was about 5pm as i figured its a 'early detection' one so it might work (and i had it free in boots for buying a twin pack :lol: )
planning on testing again first thing in the morning and then waiting till next week.
got a week off in 2weeks time so i think i'll ignore the doc and get an appointment then if AF still hasn't shown!
Yeah, I would definately make an appointment, you will want to see doc either way by then,

Good luck, hope everything works out the way you want, let us know how your test in the morning goes!
Yeah id go and see your doc and ask them to do a blood test as some people dont get postive urine ones for ages and need it confirming with bloods. Sounds like you could be pregnant though hun
HI there,
It's tough when you don't know one way or the other. Could it be explained in any other way? Have you recently been on the pill as that can screw girls' cycles up for quite a while. Or could stress have delayed it? Just one of those things that is a real pain as you can't plan when you don't know where you are!
Good luck with it all.
thanks Lumie
done another test this morning which came up negative, rang the local midwife led birthing centre instead of docs and they were fab! :) the midwife i spoke to said give it another couple of days/week and then go and see them as they work faster than the docs at getting things looked at. was hoping she'd say go today cos i'm wondering whats up with AF if i'm not pregnant :? but they were much nicer than the docs so will def be going to them
I know thay are a little expensive, But Id reccomend a Clear Blue DIGITAL
They tell you 'Pregnant' or 'Not Pregnant' Well worth the money id say!

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