Advice or Help....Please!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
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Well.. where do I start.. im nearly 14 wks and last night I started to bleed!
Not loads.. but enough to worry us. The bleeding has stopped now..but I now have a pinky discharge when I pee. I rang the hospital this morning and spoke to the midwife.. who said that I can go there for a check today.. but there scanning facility isnt open til monday.. they said that they will check now if they can hear a heartbeat ..but with the test they would do today..there is only a 50-50 chance of hearing a heartbeat..and couldnt check properly til monday! So we decided to wait til monday to know for sure!

At this stage..because I havent lost enough to miscarry..Im not overly concerned..however we are still worried, Ive never known this before ..I thought at this stage we where out of the 'danger zone' .. has anyone else had anything like this before?? or offer any advice.. :(
You can have a bleed at any time during the pregnacy.I had one last week end when i was 35 weeks and haven't had any bleeding previously throughout the pregnancy. Everything is fine though and they couldn't see where the bleeding had come from.

just get plenty of rest this week end. good luck for Monday
put your feet up and i know its hard but try not to worry. best of luck for monday. let us know what they say :hug:
sorry to hear your havin a worryin time at the min, alot of ppl find that they bleed in pregnancy after sex or sometimes just from doing a bit too much.

try not to worry and get your feet up :hug:
Hi, I had bleeding from week 9 to 12, sometimes it was light pink then a couple of times it was bright red. I had a couple of scans during that time. I spoke to quite a lot of women and found out it seemed to be quite common. Anyway the bleeding stopped and I'm now 21 weeks almost!good luck and i hope things are ok, i'm sure they will be xx
Try to have plenty of rest till Monday. And rest means try not to walk too much(even around the house) and do not lift heavy things at all.
Good luck :hug:
I had alot of bleeding in this pregnancy, and all is good now, well kind of anyways..

take it easy put your feet up , and good luck for monday
x :hug:
Thanx everyone.. for your kind words and support... :hug:

We have just been to the hospital and had a heart monitor check on the baby.. we couldnt wait for Monday.... its good news, they heard a strong heartbeat..phew!

They are unable to tell me why the bleeding.. but have taken some swabs and stuff.. to be checked...

But the good news is.. we're just fine! :)

So thankyou everyone! .. now I can sleep :sleep:
good luck for monday and im sorry you are feelin worried but i have heard quite a few women talk about bleeds after the first trimester and all of them were fine hun, so hopefully there is noting to worry about. xxxx
Really glad they heard a strong heartbeat, i bet that was the biggest sigh of relief you;ve given in a long time :hug:

will they still scan you on monday?
I had a bleed at 13 weeks 5 days and was scared to death that something was wrong. Spent an afternoon in A&E where they took blood and urine samples and tried to get me in for a scan that day. Had to wait til the next day to be scanned and everything was ok. Just to be on the safe side they sent me up to the early pregnancy unit (although I was just outside the time frame for them) and they did another smear test to check for chlamydia (which came back clear). All they put it down to was maybe the placenta had detached slightly and reattached which caused the bleeding. Not had any bleeding since though :pray:

Good luck for your scan :D :hug:
Sorry to hear about your bleeding but very glad to read the baby's heartbeat was heard.

I had a bleed at 21 weeks and it lasted a few days. Since then I have been really careful not to overdo anything.

Please do rest over the weekend. I hope everything goes well for you on Monday. :pray:

Glad they heard the heart beat, that must have been so reassuring.... good luck for Monday, as everyone has said, I am sure everything is fine, small bleeds are quite common. :hug:
Hi, i had a bleed at 18 weeks and had to wait 4 days before i could see a midwife so was worried sick but everything was fine and baby is now kicking away like mad so dont worry to much.
Hi everyone...

Well had my scan...and everything is just fine!! They cant tell me why the bleed.. but its stopped now.. so Relief!!

Thanx everyone :hug:
i'm really pleased for you hun! :dance:

i had bleeding early on and its just horrible waiting to find out if anything is wrong!

hope evrything goes well from now on!


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