advice on adapting the first 'baby' of the house


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2008
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not sure if this is the right section to post in but if im wrong sorry :oops:

anyway i have a spoilt pooch that i want to try and de thrown before the birth of baby so he doesnt resent baby when he/she comes along.

he was a problem dog i got as a 2year old had him since early dec last year and hes came on great, still has a few issues but on the whole hes a different dog, only now hes spoilt and follows me everywhere(my own fault :oops:)

has anyone any advice on how to start gradually getting him used to not being our 'baby' ?
My dog is 2 and a half and has been my baby for all that time he comes to work with me, used to sleep on our bed at night, cuddled up on my lap on the sofa most nights etc I started really early with the changes I knew would have to happen when baby is here so he would be used to and comfortable with them by the time baby arrives.
He now sleeps downstairs at night and isn't allowed in our bedroom, he isn't allowed on the sofa when we're in the room (he sleeps on there when we go out or are in bed cause the cushions are always all over the place but he gets off quick before we come down Im happy with this as only don't want him jumping on sofa and accidently hurting baby!) DH does more with him now to get him used to me not doing everything and DH doing abit more for when Im busy after baby comes, I also have a crying doll which I use to get him used to the sound of a baby crying and also me carrying something high up that hes not allowed to jump up at, I feel like an idiot walking round with this doll but seems to be working!
Pretty early on I got the advice of a trained behaviourist so I knew I was doing all the right things to prepare him I found this a brilliant help!

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