Advice needed please


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2008
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Hello Girls,
I did a pregnancy test on Saturday and got a fantastic BFP result :D but now I am slightly unsure what I do next. I phoned my doctors to ask whether I should come in to get it properly confirmed but the receptionist said to wait until I am 8 weeks then see the midwife who will give me an hours appointment. The problem is working out when I am 8 weeks. I was on the pill for 10 years before we started trying, and although I had been off the pill for about 6 months we have only been trying for 4 months so I have only had 3 cycles which have all been mega long! Starting from 65 days and the last one 45 days. I have been on a few different websites putting in the relevant information to try and find out how far along I am and the ones where I can adjust my cycle length put me in the 4 and half week range and any others make me 6 and half weeks. I happened to come across another website where I could put in the first day of my AF and it told me when I would have conceived and how pregnant I was. Low and behold it said we would have conceived on the 16th Jan which is out to my calculations but we did BD on that day. I didn't think I was ovulating for atleast another week or two. It also said I would be 6 and half weeks pregnant. It is possible my cycle returned to a normal 28 day cycle that month but I would be really surprised! My question is How do I find out or shall I just guess and book an appointment in a couple of weeks then explain to the midwife. Also, Is it normal not to see the doctor for them to do their own test before seeing the midwife? I asked whether the midwife would do a scan then and the receptionist didn't really know and thought if she didn't they would do one a couple of weeks later?? It was all a bit confusing! :wall: Any help would be really appreciated.

Thank you x
Hi gemmy

congratulations on your bfp. Because you don't have normal cycles as such it will be hard to tell how far gone you are until you have a proper dating scan.

If I was you I would ring to get into the midwife based on the earlier date and just explain to her about your cycles and I'm sure she'll know what to do.

i rang my docs too and they've told me I don't need a doc to confirm it either. they basically said that the high street tests are so accurate nowadays that if you get a bfp on one of them then you're def pg.

Here's to a h7h 8 months....good luck
it differs from region to region, i saw the doc at 8 weeks to inform them of the pregnancy and was made to do a wee test for them to send off, got my first midwife appointment tomorrow at 13 weeks :shock:
Hey Gemmy!

Congratulations on your BFP! :cheer: Fantastic news. Another lady to start her journey! (Hopefully I'll see you over in 2nd tri in no time!)

I don't know how to work out your dates, this might be something the TTC ladies can help with perhaps!?

My experience: I found out I was pg at the doctors when I complained that I didn't like my pill anymore, turns out I was with baby already! Anyway, then they sent me to the reception to "book in" and they said the MW would call me! She did, and arranged to meet for my bloods and that was that (I saw my MW at about 9 weeks).

Like Sparky said, it differs from region to region! Hope you get to see her soon though as it'll be lovely to have cleared that first step!

Lots of hugs :hug: xxx
Congratulations :cheer:
If you are unsure of your dates you will have to have a dating scan, the only way to get one booked is to book a normal appointment with your doctor and explain how you dont know how how far on you are and they should get one booked for you.

I found out I was pregnant durring a doctors appointment (for what I thought was a UTI) and had no idea on my dates so he said he would book me a scan and I got a date through a few weeks later and my scan date was 3 weeks after my doctors appointment.
Hope that helps
Hi and Congrats.
As Penstraze has already said. I got a normal appointment with my doctor and asked for an early scan to make sure everything was ok, lucky he said yes due to the length of time it had taken us to conceive. At that time i was six weeks and now have a dating scan on 9th March so should be around 13 weeks.

Its worth a go! Book an appointment!
Speak with your midwife/doc...they should help out with arranging with an early scan if they are not too busy in your particular area..Good luck

If you cant get one with your docs and it still worries you then there are private scans at arond £75. Hope this helps.
:cheer: :cheer: Congratulations on your BFP!!! :cheer: :cheer:

I would go with your earliest estimated due date. If you concieved later, it won't hurt to have scans or tests done earlier. They can always repeat them if they've done them too early...of course you may have to be prepared for you due date to be pushed back after the dating scan.
Congrats on your BFP :cheer: :cheer:

The standard now is to take the first day of your last period and go from there. That is what they use as their basis these days. Regardless of when you ovulate and so on, your 40 weeks of prengnancy are taken from your first day of last period.

If you are unsure, book in to see your MW a bit on the ealier side, can't do any harm.

TBH anything before 8 weeks there is nothing to be done anyways. What she might do is send you for an earlier dating scan by a week or two if its thought you might be further along.
Thank you all very much - all your replies are really appreciated; I think I will get booked in with the M/W in two weeks time and work it out from there. Can't wait to actually know how far along I am!!

Thanks again


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