Hello Girls,
I did a pregnancy test on Saturday and got a fantastic BFP result
but now I am slightly unsure what I do next. I phoned my doctors to ask whether I should come in to get it properly confirmed but the receptionist said to wait until I am 8 weeks then see the midwife who will give me an hours appointment. The problem is working out when I am 8 weeks. I was on the pill for 10 years before we started trying, and although I had been off the pill for about 6 months we have only been trying for 4 months so I have only had 3 cycles which have all been mega long! Starting from 65 days and the last one 45 days. I have been on a few different websites putting in the relevant information to try and find out how far along I am and the ones where I can adjust my cycle length put me in the 4 and half week range and any others make me 6 and half weeks. I happened to come across another website where I could put in the first day of my AF and it told me when I would have conceived and how pregnant I was. Low and behold it said we would have conceived on the 16th Jan which is out to my calculations but we did BD on that day. I didn't think I was ovulating for atleast another week or two. It also said I would be 6 and half weeks pregnant. It is possible my cycle returned to a normal 28 day cycle that month but I would be really surprised! My question is How do I find out or shall I just guess and book an appointment in a couple of weeks then explain to the midwife. Also, Is it normal not to see the doctor for them to do their own test before seeing the midwife? I asked whether the midwife would do a scan then and the receptionist didn't really know and thought if she didn't they would do one a couple of weeks later?? It was all a bit confusing!
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thank you x
I did a pregnancy test on Saturday and got a fantastic BFP result

Thank you x