advice needed asap!


New Member
Jan 20, 2009
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help im worried im pregnant, im only 18, and am on the progestrian only pill, this makes my periods extremely irregular, im always on my period, i missed a couple of pills and now i havent had my period for over two weeks and for me it is not normal seeing as over the 1 year i have been using the pill, i have only a couple of days break between bleeding, my breasts are tender and bigger, and i feel generally different, mood changes, needing to wee more, tummy cramp and tierdness! i am yet to tell my partner just a little worried about his reaction, should i tell him after a test. im so young and have my self into such a mess as i dont believe in abortions but i am of course not ready for a baby, i have 4 friends with babies! i dont have the money to buy a pregnany test can i get 1 at my local gp and how long will this take? i am grateful for any words of advice, thankyou!
Heya hun they have tests in poundland, if i were you i shouldnt worry til you know either way :hug: :hug:
:hug: Go and see your GP tell him your worried and tell them about your irregular periods ask if they can do a test. :hug: :hug: :hug: Things will be okay, if you need advice then here is a great place xxx
Either of the above although the cheap test might not be accurate if you are very early on.

And also if you go see your GP and you are not PG I'd talk to him about changing your pill or having the injection etc as the pill you are on doesn't sound like its doing its job properly. At least changing to something that will make you more regular etc you will know where you are with things. Just make sure to use condoms for a couple of weeks when changing over. And explain to your BF why you are changing and the need for condoms so he understands.
have a look on he family planning website and see if there is a clinic near to you, they tend to be really good as they are better at going over contraceptive options with you if you are not pregnant and will test for you, their whole remit is this type of thing so i would very much reccommend finding a family planning clinic if there is one near you. some do sessions specifically for young people too
the missed pills could also explain some of your symptoms as i know when i was on the pill and missed some cycle got all messed up etc
hope you get sorted quickly
go to your GP, they'll test you for free; they'll probably make you go & wee in a tub then test it for you there & then, or a local family planning centre, do you have a what now clinic? they're usually great.

if you are pregnant it's honestly not the end of the world, even though i know it might feel like it. i'd only just turned 18 when i got pregnant, it's the best thing that ever happened to me. you and people around you might need sometime to get used to it, but once you do, it's awesome. an unplanned pregnancy is a shock at any time in your life, don't let age become an issue.
make sure to come back & let us know how it goes. PM me if you fancy a chat :)
well im not pregnant, which in a way is a relief i suppose, although i was beginning to get very broody lol! thanks for all your help though much appreciated and helped when i was in a state of worry. in regards to my pill situation as someone talked about i have tried other pills, and th einjection but they all do the same, i suffer from migrains which means i cant use the normal pill ffor risk of strokes, but im coming to terms with the fact im permanantly on my period, altough i dont think its doing me any good loosing so much blood etc. if anyone has experienced anything like this or has any advice i would appreciate it. thanks for everything love c x x

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