Advice for a vomiting 14m old


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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In need of advice Ewan has been vomiting about every half hour since 5pm, He is bright and co herent between vomiting - he has brought up all his lunch and is now just dry wretching,
I'm giving him water to drink, but other than that he is just tired now and is sleeping in between he was quite cold so we have given him some more blankets, there is no sign of any rashes etc..

Should i just continue with water or could i give him a dose or medised/calpol??

From a worried mum :(
i would give him some calpol hun,and dont put to many covers on him. i am having same at mo with hannah
i gave him some medised he kept it down for about 20 mins so dunno weather it worked - oh well am off to bed dont think ill get much sleep tonight
Well he seems to be ok this morning, finally stopped vomiting around 3am. He has taken water today and kept it down, and had just had some bread sticks.
Now has runny Poo - but not what i'd call Diarrhoea, very pale due the fact all he has been taking is milk.
Is bright in him self but refusing food, he just cries if you try and give him anything, in total since friday he has had two breadsticks, a small biscuit, and 1 crisp.... :shock:
I dont want to force him to eat , but i'd love him just to have something even a mouthful of weetabix
He is drinking plenty of water and milk, if he is still the same tomorrow i'll take him to the doctors, i dont like to call them on a weekend
As long as he's still having something I'd try not to worry too much.

Hope he's better soon

Had to call the docs on sunday at 11pm as ewans temp went above 40C, had to sit with a fan on him and give him calpol.
he was sick again during the night,
Went to docs on monday to get him checked over, (i started vomiting too on sunday afternoon :( ) they think it is just gastroenteritis but they have given him some rehydration sachets, and had to take a poo sample in too.. :puke:

He can't keep any milk down at all, doctor told me to avoid milk, but what can you do when he is stood there screaming at his bottle and throww it back at you when there is just water in it, He is so content when he gets the milk but then spews it up 2 mins later... i was thinking of trying some soya milk as it might be a bit light on his tum.
Can you really dilute the milk? If he's on progress formula can you do 1 scoop per 2oz's of water and see if he takes that instead? Would he take cows milk watered down if not? I hope he feels better soon hun :hug:
He is on cows milk i tried watering it down but he still brought it all back.
I would suggest Soya milk then...Mason got it on prescription once when he was ill with a tummy bug as a baby.
It tastes foul, but he didn't seem to mind :)

Hope he's better soon.


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