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Advantages of finding out...

Mummy Rich

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
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Right ... dilemna!

I was adamant with a capital a that I was staying team green!

But... I am dying to know what my lil babba is. Our scan is the 19th December and I have even convinced my oh that we should.

But does it spoil the birth... well not spoil but take some excitement away?!

What do you think the pros and cons of finding out what your bean or bump is?!!? xx
Personally I have found out with all my babes, they have all had names from the time we found out too. Apart from the practical side of being able to buy things in a certain colour I think it has helped me bond with my babies more having a name to call them etc.
Admittedly I have never not found out so I'm not sure how much different I would feel if I didn't know! :)
Did you tell everyone when you found out hun??!?! (besides us we're not real ppl so we dont count ha!)
I did yea, I dont think it spoilt the birth for us because we were so pleased to finally meet them anyway and other people couldn't wait to see them. My mum bought charlie a huge teddy with his name embroidered on it for xmas last year which I thought was sweet as it was still 2 weeks before he was born !!
its made it more real. With alice, i was going to have this little blond haired blue eyed girl (lucky she is blond haired and blue eyed!!), now knowing im growing a boy i can see past just this little baby. he is real if you catch my drift.
The 19th December is my Birthday :dance: :dance: :dance: Lol

Anyway...i found out with Angel but because i needed to know. I have 4 nephews and OH has 2 nephews so i really wanted the first girl. They told me not to take it as gospel and when she was put to my chest i checked anyway (then the mw did :? Like i'd get it wrong! )

I think with future babies i want OH to tell me what we've had. Being my first it made things more real.
I found out but didn't tell anyone. It was really nice to look forward to meeting 'her' and choosing a name and all cute girl things etc so with the first one I am glad I found out.
Now I am not pregnant I think...hmmm wonder what it would be like to not know and wait until the birth..would also be really nice.
But i am not sure that I could really wait to find out!!
with my first i didnt want to know, i loved the surprise element of not knowing, but with this one i want to know so i can get my head around what its going to be.

Mind you I was having this conversation with my friend and one of her friends was expecting and was told at her scan it was a boy and when it was born it was a girl! This is the 2nd person I have known this happen to, so although i want to know i wont believe them 100% anyway.
i decided to find out, because i was sure i knew (turns out i was wrong) and in all honesty its going to be such a special moment when i meet her so i didnt really think the surprise of boy/girl would be add to it. i kinda thought of finding out as a mid pregnancy surprise :lol:
I'm not going to find out, although the more posts I read about what team other girls are on, the more I feel I might crack and ask the sonographer on the spot while we're there (and then face the wrath of my OH later :lol: ). OH is adamant he doesn't want to know - he has an amazing amount of self discipline; never feels or rattles his Christmas pressies to try and guess, and he's still got chocolate in the cupboard from Easter!

I, on the other hand, am amazingly impatient/nosey/excited, though I know I am going to have to restrain myself as I'll probably be cross with myself after if I cave in. In the same as way as really really wanting a big bit of cake, then eating it and feeling guilty for not having more self-discipline :oops:
I just found out im having a boy. As this is my first i have nothing to compare it to, but i just think you feel closer to your baby knowing if its a boy or girl. Plus now i know what kind of nursery im having, plus can start shopping for really cute clothes that arent boring beige!!

I'm definitely not finding out because I want the surprise of "its a boy" or "its a girl" when they are born. I like the not knowing :D Plus, I know of a few people who were told the wrong sex so if the dr said its a boy - I would still not be sure and be even more confused!!

Well I have my 20wk scan tomorrow and I can't wait to find out, don't think i could bare the anticipation of waiting.
I think it might make me feel closer to the LO being able to label it a boy or a girl and may also make
it all the more real.
My OH is adamant he does'nt want to know so I have to keep it a secret, so that should be interesting trying not to slip up!

I guess I could also be disappointed at having found out - not at the outcome but at ruining the surprise but I
will have to let you know that after...

Wish me luck that LO does'nt decide to be stubborn and hide its bits!
I'm really stuck on this, I just don't know whether to find out or not! :?

With my first, I wasn't going to find out and OH really wanted it to be a suprise, but when I was in there & the sonographer asked if I wanted to know the sex, I just couldn't help myself! So OH left the room as he still didn't want to know, then she told me I was having a girl & I burst into tears! :lol: Then I had to spend the next 4 months trying to keep my mouth shut and hiding all the pink things I'd bought in the back of my wardrobe!

I always said if I had any more kids, I definetly wouldn't find out... but I am alos very impatient/nosey, etc., so I really don't think I'm going to be able to resist asking again this time! I am definetly not telling ANYONE though, not even my mum, coz I want them all to have the suprise! The only reason I will find out is because I just don't think I can wait, the rest will all have to though, til I actually give birth! :shakehead:

Bubbalou, how did your scan go, did you find out?!
Edit: sorry, just looked at the date of your post & saw you wrote that today and your scan is tomorrow! :oops: Let us know!
My 20 week scan is the day before yourss :)
I love the idea of not finding out until birth but i really cant wait that long
the lack of neutral stuff in my area is what makes me certain on my decision
there is so many nice blue and pink things
so i will definately be finding out unless bubba is planning on being naughty lol
We didn't find out with DD and I'm SO pleased we didn't. Not only was it a great surprise, it also saved us a fortune, because we couldn't buy either Pink or Blue.
We are going to stay team green this time too. My sil found out with her second and I can't help but think there was a slight anti climax when my neice was born as everyone already knew it was a girl and we all knew her name, so there wasn't really much to tell, in that 1st exciting phone call.
If I find out then i will tell people if they ask but as for names,, Im keeping them close to my chest, and certainly wouldnt name it before its born!
Hi all,

Well I had my scan and its a BOY! I guessed it was so my instinct was right.
I dont feel disappointed at finding out, not like I have spoilt the surprise or anything.
I did kind of want a girl, its that silly fairytale idea of going mad on pink and dresses and dolls etc!
But I know I will be over the moon and will love him to bits when I meet him anyway.

Although I still can't get started on sorting out boy stuff because my OH is adamant he doesnt want to know.
In fact I have actually told him I couldnt find out as the baby was in a hidden position(he couldnt make the scan he is overseas).
I knew that if he knew that I knew then he would read into everything I said and I don't want to spoil the surprise for him!

Oh and random question - how do you get those baby growth strips at the end of your messages?
I absolutely love knowing what we are having, its made me much closer to my bump as I can call him my baby boy, and by the name we have choosen for him. When I rub my tummy I know Im rubbing my little boy, and all his clothes are all blue, green etc and hanging in his wardrobe ready for his arrival. His nursery is also in a theme that is more suited to a boy!

I love being prepared and Im so in love with my baby boy already, its amazing!!

We secret wanted a boy, so its the best news ever!!

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