Aches and pains


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Have been having lots of aches and pains the last few days - and its worse today. Looking on the internet I think I might have SPD, but I don't know... Main pain is in my lower back on the right hand side extending down my bum and leg. Really hurts when i walk and bend :(
Also having dull aches in lower abdomen at front (mainly on right but a bit on left too). Feeling really rubbish today.

Trying to get an appointment with a GP at our surgery is like digging for gold... managed to get a cancellation for Thursday which is quite good.

Really think I have been overdoing it - have been feeling so much better physically than in Tri 1, so have been trying to do everything that I couldn't do then. Cleared out the shed at the weekend, and think maybe I did too much physical lifting and am now paying for it. Really hope I have not caused any harm to LO. :( Grrr...

Can much be done to ease pain if it is SPD? Also does it get worse over time as baby gets bigger and heavier? Can't bear the thought of another 5 months in pain like this - or even worse... :(
Oh fear Hun hope u doc gives u answers and some relief soon xx think a couple of the girls suffer with spd so if it is they I'm sure they will give u some tips. Mrs mc started with it quite early on. Hope u feel better soon Hun x
Hi Nic

Don't know if this is the same thing but I've been getting terrible lower back pain too mostly on my right side, feels like it's my pelvis? It hurts also when I bend down and I look like an old lady every time I get up from a chair!

I find regular walks help and warm baths in the evening as the pain is usually worse then. I imagine as time goes on these aches and pains will only get worse?

Hope you find something to ease it soon x
If it's going down your leg I would say it's sciatica - cos of baby pressing on a nerve x
Thanks Ladies!

Kerrieann - sounds like what you are experiencing is exactly the same as me... sometimes when I get up (especially when I get out of bed) I am limping so bad I look like something out of a comedy sketch!

I eventually managed to get seen by a GP at the local urgent care centre last night. He says I have a urine infection (which maybe explains the front abdominal pains) but didn't seem too concerned over the back pain. He's prescribed antibiotics for the urine infection - but I know it is not just that that is causing the back pain. Will give it a few days and go hassle the GP some more.

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