Aches and pains


Active Member
Nov 24, 2007
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I have been having a few aches and pains all over but mostly in my back for a few months now - which is not helped by carting around a hefty 7 month old!!! Usually they would only last a few days but I have had pain in my right hip and down my thigh for well over a week and it doesn't seem to be going... any ideas? Is it OK to visit a chiropractor whilst being this pregnanct? any ideas appreciated :(
i would mention it to ur m/w first luv she could send you to a specialist in pregnancy n seeing to things like that i get the same things even worst now it number 6 i got sent to see some one and got given a maternity belt it supports you and bump and help with ur posture you can also buy them :)
Check with you M/W or Doctor first see what they say, Yes you can see a Chiropactor while pregant as i am currently seeing one for shoulder pain/possblie trapped nerve, be warned they do give you a full body going over and may make you feel worse before you get better - if you need help finding one just let me know :hug:
Have been having something similar Solgirl, aching down my left hip and down the left thigh. I think it's because of the new sleeping postition (on the left as reccomended) I'm forcing myself to get used to. I've got the dream genii pillow that really helped at first but now it's becoming painful the heavier bubs gets I think. I really have to stop myself sleeping on my back. I think I'm going to speak to the midwife if it gets any worse because it doesn't really go away all day either and it's really gnawing away at me today. Not sure if it's muscular or joint related. Going to try a warm bath tonight to see if that does anything. Good luck!
I've had to have weekly Physio visit since i was 18weeks gone due to my back giving up on my, it is totally twisted and in knots.

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