Absolutely mortified!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2010
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I thought I had got away with pregnancy without any stretch marks, just been getting changed and looked at my ass and I have about 15 deep red/purple ones on one bum cheek!!!!
They feel like craters! I have only ever had silver ones before but these are so noticeable :-( I will have these for life now as I am not aware of anything which gets rid of them. xxxxxx

I know some people may think im being shallow but I was insecure about my bum before so this has made things worse, its where I realise I am getting older and am no longer 18 anymore...
Lol, wait til your mid 30's hun, gravity is no longer my friend. They will fade to silver eventually, vitamin E cream and moisturisers will help. :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Do they fade eventually then? I have silver ones all over my bum and thighs which I can deal with but these have just all of a sudden appeared. I think I have been concentrating that much on my belly my bum has been neglected :-/ xx
They do fade... i got loads when I was pregnant with my eldest, they've all faded now, i don't notice them really anymore.:)
Thats slowed my heart beat down ha Thank god, Its so weird some places of my body my skin strectches fine others I get stretch marks really easily xx
Yeah they will fade if just takes time. It's always seems to be that last growth spurt that catches you out. Your be fine just keep skin moisturised and remember your ass, thighs and breast. Xx
Lol, wait til your mid 30's hun, gravity is no longer my friend. They will fade to silver eventually, vitamin E cream and moisturisers will help. :hug: xxxxxxxxx

:shock: I'm only 35 and when I'm not pregnant keep fit and toned lol

BB is right though, they will fade. I was lucky with my son and only got feint silvery ones, no deep red or anything, and didn't get one til I was 37 weeks ish, thought I'd got away with it lol

Stretch marks come from within though so there is pretty much nothing we can do about them, no creams or anything will help they just fade naturally if they fade at all (which most do to some extent)

Aww cool, where they are at the moment I can cover them up with bikini bottoms on the beach but they seem to be creeping lower and lower! nevermind I am sure lots of celebs have them too but we don't see them as every pic is airbrushed! Found out today at my midwife appt that ive also been having braxton hicks and mistaken it for baby pushing out xxx
Bikini bottoms?!!
I don't think I will ever wear a bikini again!
I won't be going near a beach/pool without wearing one of those stripy victorian all in one thingys!
Ive got stretch marks in the strangest of places, but its just one of those things that comes with being a mummy!
I've been concentrating so much on moisterising my bump I forgot to do my thighs and now they are covered in big red stretch marks and celulite, so your not the only one! When I told my friend in tears she showed me hers which have faded so much I could hardly see them. She reassured me they were once bright red, so I felt loads better.
I'm planning on sling holidays till they fade, no bikinis for me!!!
I know exactly how u feel! Look for my previous post about stretch marks. I was mortified too, they should fade hun or so I'm led to believe xxx chin up lass xx
I am on daily stretch mark watch now...so far so good however I don't think I've reached the crucial stage yet by the sounds of things, dammit! I thought I might get away with it! Cellulite on the other hand is another story.....awful:shock:
Oh yeah thats another one cellulite all down the back of my thighs, then again I have been eating a lot of choccie! Oh well it will all be worth it :) xxxx
I feel your pain. xx

Just got out of the shower and was shocked to see loads of purpley spidery stretch marks under my bump - I don't know if they've appeared overnight or if I just haven't noticed them - I can't see them unless I look in a mirror and my bathroom mirror is only from the waist up!

I think I am well and truly past blooming and into the 'get-this-baby-out' phase...!

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