About maternity leave and holiday, anyone knows?


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
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I just started thinking... I don't know much about these things at all :? Basically. I start maternity leave in September. And I get it for 52 weeks. Which means that it ends 2009 October. When will I be able to take out 2009's holiday then? Does it have to be after I come back from maternity leave? Or can I do it just before maternity leave? As you can see I'm confused and need help :angel:

Reply would be so much appreciated :)
Hi :wave:

According to my HR, you are entitled to take all of your holidays be that before mate leave (which I am doing) or save them until the next year, I think if you carry them over you have to use them before the end of that holiay year. I'm not oo sure but you could try this section of the forum as it has a lot more advice about this topic,


Alex xxx
Yeah... I know that you are entitled to take what's left for this year. And I've pretty much taken that, had to travel. But holiday for next year. As I won't be working pretty much all year, I'm on mat leave but holiday days should still be accumulating? So for those 2009 holiday days, do I have to take them out after mat leave or carry them over to 2010 or can I take them out before I go on mat leave..?

Thanks for that other forum link as well but there's not much on there :roll:
You'd be better off posting this in that forum section though as not everyone who is up to speed on such things reads all the tris.

FWIW, those 52 weeks are not all paid SMP. Some are on you unpaid (unless you have a good company maternity package)

As for holidays, if you visit the Gov sites and so on it explains all. Links can be found in the Working/benefits section about it. Or a quick google.

Might also be worth talking to your employer about next years annual leave as they may be able to explain what the policy is.
I think you do still accumulate holidays but I don't think you would be entitled to take these until you return to work. You might be able to bolt them onto the end of your Mat Leave so that you can take longer than 52 weeks.
I got this from goverment's website....

What happens to your holiday entitlement when you're on maternity leave?
You'll still build up all your entitlements to paid holiday during ordinary maternity leave. However, unless your contract says differently, you'll accrue only the statutory minimum (4.8 weeks or 24 days for those working full-time) holiday entitlement during additional maternity leave.

You can add holiday to the beginning or end of your leave. You may not be able to carry over untaken holiday entitlement if your maternity leave goes over two holiday years, so it's often best to take this at the beginning of your leave.

So I guess it means I cann add it to the beginning of my leave...

The way it works for me is that I can take all the 2008 holiday leave that I have left before maternity leave starts (for me that will be 4 weeks). Any holiday entitlement for 2009 (ie 5 weeks total) I can bolt on to the end of my maternity leave but not before the maternity leave...really doesn't make any difference in the long run though as I can just choose to start my maternity leave a little earlier if I know that I can use annual leave to extend it at the other end. I am allowed to carry over 1 week from one year to the next but cannot use holiday from next year for this year. Therefore, I have 4 (if I want to save another week for 2010) or 5 weeks to take between the end of my maternity leave and the end of the year (mine annual leave runs from Jan - Jan). Some work places are more flexible but I think mine follows pretty standard procedure.

I haven't really decided what to do yet.

Hope that makes sense

Also check out your HR policy at work, as it will vary from company to company with regards as to what you can do with your holiday in terms of carrying it over.

For instance mine states we should use an appropriate proportion of annual leave before commencing maternity leave. We can carry over any annual leave that's left for the current year and then accumulate holiday whilst off on maternity leave. I'll defo be using some of mine towards the end of maternity leave or to take an extra few weeks off after the 12 months is up.
Thanks for the replies! I'll def check it out but I think I will do the same. Take the mat leave a bit earlier and then add the holiday weeks to the end of mat leave!

Thanks ever so much everyone :) x

I work in personnel for the NHS, does your annual leave year run Jan to Jan or Apr to Apr?

You are entitled to take your whole years annual leave at the end of you maternity leave (52 weeks) or at the end of your paid maternity leave (39 weeks).

For example my annual leave year is apr to apr, so i have a whole years annual leave to take before i go on M/L so im taking it all before my due date, so i end up getting more paid time off, then when i return August next year, i am going to use another 4 weeks annual leave from begginning of August to the end to give me a bit of extra paid time off, because those 3 months unpaid at the end can be a bit of a struggle.

As long as you inform your work in writing what you intend to do so that they can arrange appropriate cover, you still accrue annual leave and all other work benefits like company car etc during paid and unpaid maternity leave.

Hope this helps x x

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