Abnormally squeamish - how to overcome?


New Member
Mar 7, 2011
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I'm new to this forum and this is my first post. So, er, hi!

Since I was a small child I've always been EXTREMELY squeamish - I had to block my ears during biology in school as even the words blood and vein used to make me feel faint and I'd get this hot feeling and I'd have to wiggle my toes. Lots.

I'm still terrible. Last week when I was having my blood tests, I nearly fainted from the thought of what was being done as my head was firmly lodged looking in the opposite direction.

Is there a way to overcome this,as after just having watched one born every minute (which I should not have), i realised that if i got sent to theatre for an emergency C section i would actually have major panic attacks. Even the baby covered in blood would make me faint.

I'm really worried about this! Please help. I'm 11 weeks atm.

Hypnotherapy and distraction techniques are great for this kind of thing xx
Hi Zenarose
No advice, but you will be glad to know you are not alone.
I am extemely squeamish, when it comes to chilbirth and internal examinations, always have been.
If anyone talks about childbirth, I go weak and have to rest my head somewhere!
I have watched one born every minute for the third time. i think it is getting slightly easier to cope with, just hoping I will get used to it before the inevitable comes!
I'm squeamish too, talking about things is sometimes even worse so know what you mean. Make sure you always tell midwife or doctor your very squeamish and then at least they will know you could faint and go easy with you. Try not to over think things like c section etc, least you can be put to sleep or have a screen up. My daughter didn't have any blood on her when she was born and I'm sure that will be the last of your thoughts when your handed your beautiful new baby! My bro is very very squeamish he used to faint at anything and everything and I was really shocked he attended his sons whole birth and even cut the cord! Amazing what a bit of adrenalin can do at these times!
have a look on internet to see if there are any tapes or books about overcoming things like this, i know they do them for fear of flying or quitting smoking but they must do something to help u i would have thought
Hey Guys

Thank you all so much for your replies - it's good to know I'm not alone!

@Twilly - i can totally relate to the going weak feeling. I watched the whole series of one born every minute last year and actually managed to progress a little with my squeamishness, but now i'm pregnant myself, i just cannot handle it!

Thanks Sarah - i am hoping mine comes out blood free!!

will now scour the net for hypnotherapy books//tapes


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