Abdominal discomfort


New Member
Jan 22, 2010
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Hi there! This is all new to me, but I'm hoping to get some advice or reassurance form those a little more experienced than me!
I'm now 9wks pregnant :eek:) but am not totally enjoying it yet due to 2 previous miscarriages.

I just feel pretty uncomfortable in my lower abdomen (no period like cramps or bleeding), constant twinges on both sides and the middle. Feeling of being 'full' down there and bloated. I just assumed that for the most part, I wouldn't feel much down there in the 1st trimester??? I can't forget about it because it's always there.

Also my appetite has been pretty varied - not very hungry like everyone else seems to be, in fact a bit the opposite. Struggling to find anything that gets my interest - is this normal??? Have been feeling nauseous on and off without being sick, is this normal? Should I be vomiting??

Also, no energy, feel very lethargic - is this ok or are things not going as they should???

Sorry to write so much, but I'd love to hear that's it's all normal and then I can stop stressing! Thanks all x

Sounds normal pregnancy to me! I too am 9 weeks and I am getting a variety of cramps and pains, bloating and just plain uncomfortableness in my lower abdomen. I have felt so nauseaous but no sickness whatsoever.

I am so tired am struggling to get through normal day at work, I have no energy when I get home and 8.30pm has become my regular bed time!!

So Cheetah....Welcome to pregnancy it seems!!!
hi there cheetah.....i had same thing last week!!!!i was so scared aswell as i have had 3 previous m/c. and im not enjoying this preg sooo much as constantly paaranoid.
the pain occurs due to the stretching of the uterus. and you dont need to worry too much unless you get bleeding or spotting etc.
Hi! Am not more experienced than you but just wanted to say that everything that you're describing is exactly how I feel. I've had abdominal pain since before I got my BFP - to the point when I worry when it's not there!!! My midwife said it's just everything stretching and moving about down there and as long as there's no blood and not constant in one place I shouldn't worry.

I was completely bloated and had really bad wind for the first few weeks and couldn't face any food, although I've managed to eat at every meal time. Once I start eating is fine but cooking is the only time I've felt really sick.

I've only actually been sick twice, and I had a stomach bug so think it was probably more to do with that. I've felt tired too and spent a lot of time sitting on the sofa thinking of all the things I should be doing and then beating myself up for being a lazy cow - even though I haven't got the energy to do anything!!!

I hope it helps to hear that there's someone else who feels the same as you - had my first scan this week and they said everything looks normal - there's a baby in there. I was a bit worried today as my symptoms seem to have disappeared - I feel like normal!! I think we'll worry whatever's going on!!!
helloooo. don't be too worried hun this is exactly how i felt too and still have abdominal pains now. not too harsh but just irritating little twinges!! i found i started to enjoy pregnancy more in my second trimester, as all way through first and just now i've been throwing up every morning! (first trimester after 11 weeks)

so appreciate the no sickness for as long as possible!!

congrats hun i'm sure everything is fine, positive infact :)

I'm on baby number 3 and and all i can say is no two pregnancy's are the same. Everything you described sounds perfectly normal. My 1st pregnancy, i didn't have an appetite at all but the last two i have eaten like a pig! The pains you describe is all of the streatching going on in your abdomen. 2 of my pregnancy's i threw up loads and this time i haven't been sick at all.

Try not to worry, your nearly at the 12 week mark :hug: xx

Sounds normal pregnancy to me! I too am 9 weeks and I am getting a variety of cramps and pains, bloating and just plain uncomfortableness in my lower abdomen. I have felt so nauseaous but no sickness whatsoever.

I am so tired am struggling to get through normal day at work, I have no energy when I get home and 8.30pm has become my regular bed time!!

So Cheetah....Welcome to pregnancy it seems!!!

Hi, this has just described me perfectly too! I'm more overcome with tiredness at the mo but it's good to hear others are going through the same things. Congratulations by the way xx
Thank you all very much ladies! You have reassured me more than you know.
The books don't mention these tweaks and twinges + having not had a successful pregnancy before, everything is worrying me if it doesn't fit the textbook symptoms.

Such a relief to speak to people who have been, or are going through the same - great to get some support, thank you all again for taking the time to leave me a messege and good luck with all the bumps! xx

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