aarrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh Worst animals


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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What's your worst animal?

I am definitely an animal lover. I won't kill anything (not even spiders!) and feel terrible if I step on something accidentally :roll: :lol:

That is except the mosquito.
I've never liked them and have never had any problem killing the lil buggers. After all they sneakily wait until you're sleeping and then feed of your blood.
Well last night as I went to kiss Dan goodnight.............it was his second night in his own room :hug: I noticed something fly off the side of his head. I turned on the light and saw a huge bug on the wall. Thinking it was way too early for mosquitos and this thing was way too big, I got a glass and started to take it outside to let it go. I suddenly noticed its fat body was really red. Looking closer it was a HUGE mosquito. I squashed it in a tissue and it was full of blood. My baby's blood, from my baby's head :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

(starts to calm down!! hehe)
So what animal can you not stand?
jenna said:
butterflies :cry: im terrified of them.

aaww bless :hug:
My brother's the same with birds (anything that flys really) My mates got a budgie and he not allowed out when my brother goes round. He freaks out. He says its the fluttering!
Just the thought makes me shivver. I hate all bugs and fly-ey things. :cry: On an early date DH was going to take me to a butterfly farm :cry: That would have been the end of us .... :rotfl:
I have a massive phobia of wasps. I try to get better and have even fed them and study them, if you know how it works they aint so scarey but as much as I try to keep still they fly round my face, thats me completely freaked! If they just buzzed around minding their own business like bees do I dont mind them but they ALWAYS fly round my face :x
PIGEONS!!!! cant stand them, they are vile creatures!!!

also cant stand wasps - they scare the sh*t out of me, and i dont like spiders!
MissGobby said:
PIGEONS!!!! cant stand them, they are vile creatures!!!

also cant stand wasps - they scare the sh*t out of me, and i dont like spiders!

hehe andyou live in the pigeon city too. Unlucky :hug: lol

especially the big fat black flies that piss about in different directions theyre really annoying. but also tiny black flies that land on me if i'm wearing yellow, mosquitos & midges... and flying ants *shudders*

flies are the only thing i'll kill. if i find a spider or beetle or something i'll scoop it on paper and put it outside.
Awww pigeons! We have 2 in our garden. The female is Hercules because she flies like a hercules bomber and the male (who is quite friendly) is called Fuggly as in Fuggin Ugly :lol:
His beak is completely twisted and he has a hell of a time picking up sticks, bless! :D
I hate pigeons, rats with wings.

We get loads of mosquitoes here and i hate them, I've had to put a mozzie net on Thea's crib. Nasty things.

Cant stand ferrets either :puke:
Melanie said:
I hate pigeons, rats with wings.

We get loads of mosquitoes here and i hate them, I've had to put a mozzie net on Thea's crib. Nasty things.

Cant stand ferrets either :puke:

But rats are so cute! And ferrets :D Have you ever seen ferret racing? It's great - but probably not if you don't like ferrets lol.
I love all animals apart from spiders and daddy long legs, as that boy in the advert says "whats the point of daddy long legs, they just come out in september and BUG you!" :rotfl:
hi i dont like spiders at all and i dont like daddy long legs (spiders with wings!!!! :shock: :shock: ). i dont think i have ever seen a mosquito tho! bugs like cockroaches and crickets etc creep me out as well. in fact im not really an insect lover!!

The only thing I'll kill is a mosquito, I don't like spiders, but I'll pick them up with a glass and put them outside.
i cant kill things either especially spiders i dont like gettin close enough to do anything so just make OH move it, killing them would mean i have to go near them errrrrrr :puke: :puke:
The only animals i dont like are frogs - they really scare me. I was cutting the grass the other day and one jumped out from under the table and i nearly did some damage with the mower! Ran in the house, my DH thought i had seen a ghost!
frogs scare me to death!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
the only things i will kill are daddy-fookin-long legs!!!!!! horriblest things ever invented!!! :x :x
I hate butterflies too....terrfied of them!
I am scared of wasps and spiders.
I am not keen on some breeds of dogs, not really a dog lover, but I can appreciate some are cute.
every thing - i just dont like animals.

thing i dislike the most - cats :oops: sorry i no there are alot of cat lovers about
MissGobby said:
PIGEONS!!!! cant stand them, they are vile creatures!!!

I was seing a guy a few years ago who was a Pigeon fancier, I swear he was a DISH!!, VERY hunky-he was also a mechanic and a boxer...he had hs favourite Pigeon who had died, stuffed with glass eyes on top of the TV in his bedroom :shock: :shock: Passion killer or what??!!!!! Only the fat he was so God damn sexy, he got away with it!!

I called in to see him at his Pigeon loft thingie one weekend on the way home from work, and he was "talking" to the Pigeons.....it freaked me out, he sounded so like one of them :shock: We split up not long after that... :rotfl: :rotfl:

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