AARRGGHHH - he just wont stop grizzling - HELP !!


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Josh is usually good as gold during the day but today i am just about getting pee'd off and i feel useless as i dont know how to help him !

He slept well, 7pm - 1am then again till 6, then again till 10am
He's fed well (5.5oz bottles) at 6:30am, 10am and 12:30pm and he's poo'd and wee'd all day
Weve played on his play mat and i sang nursery rhymes to him, weve had a bath and he's had a couple of 20 minute naps

BUT i just cant stop him grizzling and crying !! He seems angry at times, shaking his arms and legs around and when i pick him up he grabs at my face - ouch
I put him in his cot or 10 minutes to see if he would sleep or cry it off but i couldn't leave him crying for long, felt so awful.
He winds well after his feeds so i know its not that either

He seems constantly hungry but surely he doesnt need feeding even MORE ?? He's having between 28 - 34oz per day and is between 10-11lbs in weight so i think he's getting more than enough.
He doesnt have a temperature, the only thing was he's had oral thrush but thats almost gone now.

Should i just feed him on demand for today ? Do you think its a growth spurt or something else ?
Please give me some ideas :|
I would say it's a growth spurt - I remember my LO was insatiable at times and I remember thinking "aaaaaaah, what's wrong with her?". It's hard work growing it seems!

It won't last that long - it's usually over a few days and then he'll probably be back to his usual sleeping/eating routine.

It could also be colic? If you're very worried, i'd get in touch with your health visitor.

Hope this helps,

Leanne xxxxx
Anjali was like that at that age. Mostly she was asleep (luckily!), but whenever she was awake she was grizzley. I felt like, arghhh! my baby is just unhappy!! I think its their age because they cant move themselves or anything. Must be pretty frustrating when you think about it!
yeah i remember this stage, and like above its deffo over in a few days.. tbh tho, this happends all the time, every few months you get days like these lol. Ive just had one of them days with hannah (shes almost 21 months) where shes winged in my ear the whole day without a propper reason lol.
Hang on in thier hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
Does he bring his nkees up to his chin at all when he's crying?

Im thinking it may be colic, but then again it could just be a growth spurt like others have said.
thanks girls
Its definately not colic, he's well winded and we have had the odd colic moments some evenings but there are no symptoms of anything but grumpiness !!

He seems a lot better today though - i managed to have time to have a shower while he sat watching me in his bouncer, and i'm about to do my ironing at long last as he is even having a snooze now :D Its so frustrating that they cant tel us whats wrong isnt it
Id say growth spurt too..although Isla appears to have a growth spurt for a few days each week! :shock:, its annoying when they are like this... I know they cant help it but :wall: , makes me feel useless!

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