Aaarrghh last day in tri-2!!

Well done M2A, enjoy Tri3. It's not that long until you meet your lovely little bubs.
No no! I dont want you to go :-(

I missed you when you went off to Tri2 and though i know i havent been around as much recently I will miss you terribly if you bugger off to tri3!

Sigh.... Well I suppose it is excellent news for you, and i should be extrememly happy for you, bah humbug!

lol xxxx
Thank you ladies, i cant believe how quick time is flying, im just hoping it doesnt slow down now!
Starfish - i dont want to leave you lovely ladies but before you know it you will all be over there too :) We are like passing ships arent we lol, hope you are well sweetie and enjoying this stage of your pregnancy, I will be keeping an eye out for your posts :) x x


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