Aaarrghh last day in tri-2!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Hi ladies, as some of you know i was given a different due date from a private sonographer and although my hospital due date hasnt changed(im going to speak to my midwife), im using my unofficial due date as my target date, which makes me 27 weeks tomorrow! Aaaarrrgghhh i cant believe im moving into the home straight, its starting to feel very real.
Thank you for all your help and support ladies and i hope to see you all very soon x x

Woohoo! Nearly there hun! All the very best xxxxxxxx
oh no, you're leaving too... :(

enjoy Tri-3 hun! xx
Wow my heart just fluttered then!! M2A I can’t believe you are going into tri3, for some reason it has made me feel like everything is really moving fast.

Oh I’m so so so happy for you and your little princess, going to keep an eye on you. Thanks for your help and support in tri 2 xxxx
Thank you ladies, cant wait for us all to be over there together :friends:

Pos - what a lovely message, thank you. We are all here to help and support each other. I will be watching out for all your updates :D x x

Have fun in tri3 babe! Much love! xx
OMG Cant believe you are going into Tri 3!! Gonna miss you! Good luck with everything and i will be joining your there shortly!!! Keep posting in Tri2!! x xx
Yay! Tri 3! So exciting :yay:It's all going so fast now...scary but great :) See you over there Sunday hon x x
I just get here and you bugger off! Lol. Really pleased for you hun, the final hurdle! Enjoy tri 3.

Hey hun! I didn't realise you had been moved forward (must have missed that!). We're only a day apart now! Can't believe it's almost tri 3! Anyways, congrats pleased that things are going well and have settled down for you after all the initial dramas you had with LO way back in tri-1! C u over there on Sunday :)
Oh wow M2A. Like positivity, your thread has hit home for me too, I still remember when you announced you were pregnant! It's gone so quick I feel :) despite the fact you've been put forward a little bit.

Wishing you all the best for Tri3! I shall see you there myself in just over 7 weeks :shock:
Now that's scary! xxx
Thank you for all your lovely messages ladies, its time for me to go over to the scary tri, where they talk about labour and things aaarrhh! Thank you again for all your support and see you all over there soon x x


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