Aaarrgggghhh - Rant - Bring on third tri!


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Jun 25, 2007
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Rant Warning!!! :lol:

Having had a really bad chest infection and cold since before xmas, it finally looks to be on its way out only to be replaced by my back having thrown itself out with a long drive and all the coughing!!!

You can't win!! On top of that I'm getting steadily bigger. Already on my G Cup marvels to hold the breasticles in I find that I should expect to go at least another two cup sizes with the last tri & the incoming milk! I think if I get measured I might cry at that point!

But babs is moving lots - very reassuring - I'm constantly hungry and grazing more then most animals! At least I'm on the home stretch soon.

Here endeth the rant! :wink:
Yay!!!! Bring on 3rd tri!!!! I wish my boobies were that big, sob sob, they havent grown nearly as much as i had hoped by now!
I know the feeling hunni, 3rd tri is close for both of us!! I cant wait to get over there,ive hd a tough time this trimester, sounds like you have too! Whats ur due date and do you have a txt buddy yet?
10 out of 10 for the rant.. hope it made you feel better..

I knwo what you mean about big breasts.. what a pain in the arse.. back, and wallet! Bras most certainly arent cheap and I've shot up from a B cup to an F cup in recent months and I'm only just over halfway there! The problem with bras is.. you cant exactly sell them once you've finished with them.. you can't pass them on to others.. and they end up sitting in your knicker drawer providing very ample shelter for moths and the like.

Back-ache is a nightmare.. I'm surprised you aren't red in the face with ranting about that. I feel like such a cripple most days.. waddling about like I've had several hip replacements!

I've had to really cut down on eating too much.. I used to eat loads all the time but now I've been trying to keep my mind busy and off the subject of food. Baby moves loads but I absolutely love that. Can get a little uncomfortable when I'm trying to work but I love it and always make excuses to mention it.. lol.

Not long to go until Tri 3..

Until then.. have a cuppa and relax :wink:

Thanks for listening ladies - its always good to get it off your chest.

Due 18th April - No txt buddy as yet Mummy2B2009 - what's you due date?

I also have a 28 wk scan on 28yj Jan as had some kidney ops when little so they just want to check my bump lying ok. My placenta is also too high or something so they need to check its dropped.

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