aaaarrrhh for fook sake...


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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get this baby out of me.... before i do a DIY C SECTION...

i am so fed up... sorry just need to let off steam... the house is like sh*t hole... why do men leave draws open? shoes in the kitchen for me to trip over, golf clubs and equipment in my hall, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom.... for fook sake!!!! :wall: :wall: i'm trying to clean up but the bloody sun is beaming through every window.. my hair is stook to my face and neck... just mopped the dining room and it's dried bloody streaky... i hate that floor... my right nipple is sore and i've just knocked it on the back a dining room chair.... aarrhh - i am so ready to have this baby out... in fact - i don't even like the baby today!!! my right knee is killing me - full of water and clicking when i bend it... and everything seems to be on the bloody floor.... i can't bend over!!!!

sorry rant over!!!! deep breath. Sorry baby.. i do still love you! but it's about time you made a show or started to give me a sign that your ready... PLEASE...

:hug: hayley it wont be much longer now hun xxx
I'm feeling like that now and I've got 6 weeks left!!! Arrrgghhh!!!

I'm telling you Hayley - your LO is coming tomorrow on your due date!

i feel moo enough as it is - and iv got another 3weeks left!!

god knows how ill b when it comes to one day before!!

thanks for the warning tho hayley lol :lol:
thanks girls.. tankett i'll send you the biggest bunch of flowers if your prediction comes true... :hug: Dh has just made me cuppa and i've left the house work now!!!! can't be bothered with it...

i think the horrible bit is not knowing when it's coming... you have a date to get to... then as you get closer and you don't feel no different you start to think what can i look too... I thought the hospital would induce me if i got to 2 weeks over :shock: but they've said it's more like 3 weeks... OMG... i'll be up for murder before then :twisted: if anyone wants a person knocking off.. let me know... i'm sure i'd get away with it too... :D :D :D
Awww hayley, sod the housework. Sit down and chill. Sleep. Sleep and more sleep. Im just the same, im online spending money and thats cheering me up. Wont cheer dh up though but on the brightside for him, i cant find his credit card :lol:
Yeah, sleep sleep sleep!!

Remember Christmas as a kid? Sleep more and it'll come quicker! :D

Also try and relax. Feeling anxious about going over and induction will keep stimulating that horrible adrenalin and inhibit the oxytocin that'll kick it all off. :(

I know it must be tough Hayley, but try things that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Nice movies, music, good food and company. :)

And plenty of bunk ups! :rotfl:
Oh sweetheart,

The last few weeks really are the hardest, your OH should be being more bloody considerate i say!!! Sod the housework, stock the freezer up with ice lollies and chill hun.

It really wont be long now!

Love ali xxx
im so fooking pleased my fook word has caught on!

Fook away hayley and the baby will come soon enough! :rotfl:
i've just washed my car inside n out... even the tyres.. hasn't started my contractions but i'm fooked... hopefully sleep like a baby tonight...

does everyone think they'll go early?

I've tried to convince myself I'll be here until AT LEAST 40 weeks and that way I'm not getting impatient cause I feel there's a month left.

I remember you were agitated at 35 weeks Hayley and I said I betted we'd both go all the way! :?

TBH, I'd quite like another couple of weeks at the very least. I've never had a break from work in the last 15 years and although I'm uncomfy I'm enjoying the calm before the storm if you like.

It's the only time in your life you're not made to feel guilty for doing nowt! I'm reading, watching films, seeing friends and pottering about the house. loving it! :D

Chin up, love :hug:
Hayley, hope your feeling a bit more chilled this evening - think you're nuts though to be running around house clean and washing the car!!!! I've spent all day on mi back!!! :wink: Think sometimes you just need, and even more so when your on the verge of popping!
Next time you start feeling like this why not have a cool bath and soak for a bit, that usually helps me to de stress.
Take care hun, :wink: won't be much longer now - it can't be :pray:
Daggers said:
why not have a cool bath and soak for a bit, that usually helps me to de stress.

It doesnt destress me :evil: my bath wasnt made for fat pregnant women, I can hardly get in it.
NEWSFLASH 'Saltcoats woman has worlds smallest bath'
:doh: , well I guess that plans up the spout then!!! Get OH to pamper and rub feet in that case?!
Hayley sounds to me as though you are nesting hun :D

The week Jacob was born, I cleaned the house including the cooker, a job that I hate!!! The day he was born, I was cleaning the bathroom whilst in labour! I was standing in the bath washing the tiles with what I thought were really bad period pains :shock: I am telling you your LO will be making his/her entrance very soon hun :D


Awwww bless ya; I do feel for you Hayley.

Your LO will be here soon.

Hope you feel better today :hug:
Well it's due day and the little bugger isn't here.. at this rate it's going to need a hair cut when it arrives.... i'm not feeling as bad as i thought i would... i'm staying in today.. having a bath and pampering myself.. got some nice soothing cream from mum for my cankles.. i'm also going to make a few bits to freeze... a nice curry, spag bol (but not the spag)

Been getting really sharp pains down below now! even sharper than before... but baby is still dead active... thinking of drawing a few arrows on my bump showing it the way out... it wants to come thou my belly button at the moment... :shock:
You sound brighter Hayley?! :D
So pleased you're feeling a bit better xxxxx

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