

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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If this kid doesn't go to sleep soon I swear I'm gonna go crazy :(

Think I'm gonna have to totally change his nighttime routine.

The past week or so he has been having a bath at 5:30 & goin down between 6:30-7. He sleeps until we go up at 10:30-11. That's what he did last night. He came into bed with us at 11, fed for a bit then kicked off. So I took him into his room to calm him so dh could get some sleep as he has work tomorrow. He dropped off just after midnight. So I put him down and he stayed asleep for about an hour so finally got some sleep.

He then wakes at around 1. He has fallen asleep twice since then but kicked off each time I put him in his crib. I can't put him into bed with me to sleep as the bed isn't big enough.

So for the second night in a row I've retreated to the sofa with a very wide awake baby who has decided its playtime.

This sounds awful but I'm finding I'm getting angry with him & have to put him down & take a step back to calm down.

All I wanna do is sleep. What happened to my baby who slept through???

So tomorrow night (well, tonight) I'm gonna let him nap at 5:30 when he is starting to get tired & bath him around 8 after he has woken & played for a bit.

I just can't cope with the lack of sleep. I'm sat on the sofa on the verge of tears with him kicking, chatting and playing away next to me.

Last night I cried cos I was so tired and he just wouldn't sleep.

I'm at the end of my tether. & dh wonders why I'm so tired & not up for any rudies at the end of the day. Main reason is cos in knackered, secondly cos I know Henry will wake up soon & I wanna get as much sleep as poss before hand, & thirdly cos I've completely lost my sex drive & have totally gone off it. If I never had to again I wouldn't care!

Sorry ladies, this had turned into rather a long rant :(
& now I'm in total disbelief. I put Henry on the sofa next to me with a pillow to stop him rolling & he was kicking, chattering and playing away. He started to grizzle so I put his dummy in & pulled his blankie up & he had wiggled out of it and he has sent himself to sleep :D

Only thing now is waiting long enough so I can take him upstairs without waking him. Must try this in his crib tomorrow & then turn him into his belly when we go up to bed.
:hugs: it is so hard when they won't sleep! I don't have any advice unfortunately :(. I keep thinking I am figuring K out and then she goes and changes! I do always go to bed when she does so that I will get the maximum amount of sleep possible. Xx
Seems a bit extreme for me to go to sleep at 7 tho! Lol!

I managed to put him into bed just after my last comment and he woke at 6.

I'm shattered :(
You poor thing!!
We changed Fin's routine this week as he was going down for an hour or so at 12 then waking up and being awake for hours from 2-4 or 5.
We stopped giving him a bath at 6 and like you moved it to 8 and pretty much started the night feed then. He will feed for ages but goes down somewhere around 11 and sleep for 3/4 hours. Hope it works for you, it's a different experience when your not getting your sleep! Xx
Hey hun,

You poor sod, bless u, I know how it can be when ur just sooo tired n stressed. Austin has started waking since hes turned 4 mnths.

If I was you it might be worth like some of the others have said, trying henry with his bath at 7ish and then putting him to bed at 8ish. That way you might get a longers stretch.

I always use a dummy and blankie with Austin and put the blankie up nexto his face, I find he loves turning his head and snuggling into it bless him.

Do you think the reason he isnt going bk to sleep could be : 1) hunger, habit, over tiredness, not tired enough? What time is his last nap normall before bed?

It could, like I said, just be the 4 mnth thing, what ivehad to do is start outting A to bed an hour later just until he starts not waking again as I was sooo moody from waking at 3.30/4.30 for the last week.

Let me know how u go, WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

His last nap is usually around 3:30-4 but his maps r only ever 30 mins unless we're out in car or pushchair. At 5:30 he starts getting grouchy so he goes in the bath (sounds stupid putting him in the bath if he's grouchy but as soon as he is on his towel in the bathroom he is all smiles - he loves his bath!). He is always knackered after a bath so feeds & sleeps.

Gonna try puttin him down for a nap when he gets grouchy at 5:30 & then feed & activity until 8, bath n bed. Hope it works.

He used to sleep the whole night through :(
4 month sleep regression?
just a thought
yeah give it a go carley, see the 5.30 one as 'just a nap' give him the energy to bath, feed n tire out ready for bed at around 8.

Just when things seem to get easier, they doa u turn huh?!!!

We are the same, not just u babe, Austin had been going 8-5/6 - then started waking at 4....then 3...?!?!

* But ya never know if its a growth spurt, in which case feed him,
* or if hes teething which might affect his sleeping and how deep hes sleeping
* or whether its just sleep regression. I try dummy twice n then give in if hes telling me 'errr seriously hungrey u silly moo,!!

He stirred at 2am last night, i didnt go in, he went bk off, then 4.30 was whinging, but again left him as wasnt as proper cry n he woke up at 6....however after I feed him hes normally awake for 2 hours, so I put him in his door bouncer, well after an hours of being awake, he was giving me the stare, a yawn n to bed hes gone, guess he just needs more.

Just trying to go with the flow, but follow EASY, at least until he through this weird patch.

Main thing to rememeber....ur not alone babe.....we gotta stick tgether, specially with our sex mad hubbys not quite 'getting it'

This sounds like me a few months ago.

The sleep deprivation is horrible isn't it - It almost takes over your life. I remember pouring boiling water over myself could hardly open eyes. You dont know true tiredness until you have a baby.

We've all been there.

It does get better

P.S - I used to have to put LO for a nap around 5pm or he would fuss for hours at night, when he had a nap at 5 & went to bed at 6.30, he went out like a light.

ohhh i know how hard it is!! i feel so sorry for you its just awful. i do think its an idea to move his bedtime to later though, then you will get a longer stretch from when you go to bed. max's bedtime differs from 9-10 and it works better for him being later.

hope this works for you big hugs xxxxxxxxx
Hun I know how you feel ruby is a terrible sleeper . She did start sleeping through from 8 weeks then at 11 weeks she started waking up again twice a night .

There is nothing wrong with getting angry Hun it's normal and I do the same and when I feel like that like u I put ruby in a safe place and walk out the room for a min or two to get my head together . When your stressed your baby can sense it .

James naps from 4.45 until about 5.45 in his crib downstairs he feeds between 6-6.30 and in bed and asleep by 7.30 maybe letting him nap will help but it does get better


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