A week early, but elloooo lovely soon to be new Mummies


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Ello :wave:

I'm Amy and this is my first pregnancy, and I am thoroughly enjoying every step, well maybe not the quesy and tired bits, but it just makes the great days even greater :dance:
It took 4 years, but I finally agreed with my OH and decided to try for a family, took us by surprise it only took 6 weeks, so I think I'm still catching up hehe

I do hope this message finds you all well, and I look forward to hearing all about your experiences in this trimester :hug:
Hi Amy :wave:

This is also my first preagnancy and I thought the whole conception part would take a lot longer too. I feel very, very lucky that it didn't and (apart from the very unglamerous symptoms) I'm lovong being preggers!

Hope to speak to you soon!
Hi Amy,

Didn't think i'd ever be on a pregnancy forum, but emmmm, got pregnant :rotfl:

Unplanned addition to the family.

See you soon :wave:
Thankyou for the welcomes ladies :D
And I completely agree with you Natalie, we got our gifts early hehe
heehee oldermum, it only takes the once sometimes you know :wink:
I'm sure I will have lots of fun in the 3rd trimester, and being here will just be a great bonus to that, its a real comfort having other peeps to talk to, thankyou in advance :hug:
Hi Amy :wave:

Welcome to 3rd tr......AKA The Madhouse :rotfl:

Hope you are having an enjoyable pg so far :hug:

Em x
Thankyou Emmylou & sarah113 :hug:
Emmylou I'm having a great pregnancy so far, and fully intend on keeping that up for as long as possible to come, hope all is going well for you too :hug:

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