A wee question....about wee...erm..yeh


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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:doh: Okay I thought the needing the wee all the time thing was only at the start and well now I know thats not true hehe but I keep getting really paranoid that its my waters and not needing a wee at all its such a weird feeling down there! Do you find when you are walking like it feels like you want to pop? :oops: I really cant not need to wee its evil! Is that normal?
I need the loo constantly and if I don't go soon enough it is really painful as well. Bambino gave me a right punch to the bladder the other day and i didn't think I was even going to make it to the loo!!! I am also getting quite a lot of watery discharge - sorry for tmi - which I got a bit paranoid about but I checked with midwife and all is fine and apparently quite normal at this stage!!

Good times. :wink:
Tadpole said:
I need the loo constantly and if I don't go soon enough it is really painful as well. Bambino gave me a right punch to the bladder the other day and i didn't think I was even going to make it to the loo!!! I am also getting quite a lot of watery discharge - sorry for tmi - which I got a bit paranoid about but I checked with midwife and all is fine and apparently quite normal at this stage!!

Good times. :wink:
EXACTLY the same with me!

Sometimes, if I get up off the sofa I suddenly badly need a wee! Or, if I really need a wee and then I sit down, I don't feel like I need one anymore :think:

It's very odd all this pregnancy lark! x
:) Yeh and when your desperate for the loo and a tiny tiny drop comes out hehe and its like "why did I even get up for that!" Lol its worse at night though when I go before getting into bed and then me and Anthony will stay up chatting for ages and by the time we are sleepy I have to get up and go again then wake up at about 4am and stumble to the toilet again!
It's also not helped by the fact that it is getting harder & harder to get up. So if I am going to all the effort to heave myself out of bed then it had better be worth my while. :lol:
yep same here, watery discharge and needing a wee all the time and when i go theres hardly any wee! i know what you mean about getting a punch in the bladder Dannii! i feel like im going to pee myself right there and then!
That sounds normal to me, I didnt get the wee wee bug until about 3 or 4 weeks ago and thats it been stuck on the toilet ever since weeing :rotfl: . Ok it's not that bad, I find i'm worse at night when i'm about to go to sleep, dunno what it is but thats seems to be when my bladder has a constant refill button. :hug:
I need a wee after I have had a wee!!

Do you know that it is lawful for a pregnant woman to relieve herself in public or into a policemans helmet is she so requests? :lol:

We had a trainee policeman doing placement at my work the other week and I threatened to pee in his helmet if he misbehaved :moon:
I have a wee, sit back on the couch, baby will readjust himself...right on my bladder...and more wee wants to come out?!! Where does it come from?!!!
Did you know: The amniotic fluid is filtered through our bodies every 6 hours and we produce new (and clean) amniotic fluid for baby? All of baby's skin cells, urine etc is taken back into the Mother's body and the Mother flushes it all away.

I reckon it's a load of crap and it's just jargon for "Mothers to be have a 2nd bladder" :lol:

Would make much more sense! x
If i need to wee i go as I hav this horrible pressure and somtimes it actually hurts like i hav an infection or something. then i go and its less then half a teaspoon grrr!!! U swear baby kicks it to make me go or something lol!!

I was up every 2 hours last night weeing, I couldnt believe it, then when i got back into bed after each time, i couldnt get comfy again. So I am a grumpy bum today :(

I better get used to this lack of sleep :?
Oh yes i relate to this well!

Sometimes i am just stood there and i think bubs must shift because i get an instant feeling of oh my god i am gonna pee myself and then it goes!

The most frustrating is when i haul myself out of bed desparate for the loo thinking i am gonna have such a great release of wee and its a little tiny trickle! :)

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