a way to get baby to sleep and to boost maths skills


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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hey u lot....

just a bit of info that u might like if u have probs getting baby down at night/naps before christopher was born i read that classical music is a proven way to relax them and send them off to land of nodd...so since he was born we have always had classical music on in his room and from 6 weeks he has always slept from 6pm -8am :dance: we used to use classic fm but his grandad brought him a CD called classic fm for babies - for the perfect down time - WOW its amazing so callming specially edited classical music by track 2 hes fast off :dance:

BUT in the CD there was a peice of research that states that a baby who is brough up with classical music becomes very clever mathematicaly as the music boosts a certian part of the brain. which is kindda true cuz i was never brought up around it and i cant do maths for sh*t whereas OH was brought up with it as was his sister an they are both very very good with numbers

just 4t some of u may be intrested :hug:
My girls both used to listen to Bach before they went to sleep! They really seemed to like it. I haven't played any to Sam because we don't have a CD player in the room.
We've also got a CD called 'Mozart for Baby's mind' which is kind of Mozart made simple for kids. Apparently that's meant to help their brains!

We'll see!

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