A trip to delivery suit today


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2011
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Well this morning i woke up with a jump in amazing amounts of pain in my section scar felt dizzy and not right at all. My bf helped me down to loo as was desperate to pee and i thought that mite be the cause of the pain . The pain got worse after and i phoned up hosp was told to have a bath take tabs and eat something. The pain was still there so when we phoned back midwife said to come in and get checked over i had ++protien and nitrates in my wee so looks like a water infection i now have anti bs and supposed to be resting ..rest hmmm with three children dont think ill get much of that

Hope you lovely ladies are ok
Sounds like an eventful morning - hope you are feeling better soon and you manage to get some rest x
Get ur man to take care of the kids and get urself to bed for the rest of the day. Hope u get well soon x

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I can imagen its hard to rest up when you got 3 kids as they always want mummys attention & never there dads. I have neices & nephews lol. A lot of people have been getting these water infections lately, well on here they have. Drink lots of cranberry juice thats supposed to be good sweetie - hope your feeling better soon. xx
Hope u feel better soon, and get ur oh to look after the kids for a while! Perfect excuse to have a rest!
Hope you're feeling better soon hun. I keep getting pains in my section scar, sometimes reminds me how much it hurt when I'd first had it and doubles me over!

Try n keep ya feet up, hard with LOs I know, but get OH to wait on you lol xxxx
Bet you got a fright. Hope u r better soon xx
hiya guys and thanks for your get well wishes ..still got quite a bit of pain but not feeling quite as bad as yestrday hope your all ok

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