A night at the hospital


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Over the weekend my hands and feet were swolen, then yesterday my mum notest that my face and neck were to, the baby had hardly moved, and I had pains accross my bump so we tryed phoning miwife ect could not get through so my mum rang the delivery suite and they told me to get in now, so I got OH out of work and left Luke at my mums.
I had all the tests urine bp ect then they put me on the monitor they said for 20 min but they left me on for 2 hrs as the heart beat kept going from 170 down to 120. I went in at 3pm and at 10pm they told us we can go home and will ring in the morning with the blood results, I was waiting all day for them to phone and about 2pm I phoned them and they said all was fine! so why did they not let me know earler?
becuase the NHS are a waste of space! i don't think they think of the perosn sitting at home by the phone waiting for a call!

:hug: glad everything is ok though hun!

are they going to do any more tests, or are they happy?
Good to hear all is ok Cab!

I have heard of this before..the hozzy not calling with results, even if it is all clear dont they realise we worry like fook :wall:
They are happy but im to go back straight away if the pain or swelling gets worse or I get a show as they monitor showed the contractions that I was having not that anyone els belived me, I wanted to ask them for a copy of the read out to show OH and my mum

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