A little worried..


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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My boobs dont seem to be hurting as much as they have been, this happened when i had my missed miscarriage, I really hope its not happening again.. Last time i was preggers i only got REALLY REALLY faint bfp all the way up till i found out i'd miscarried at 9 weeks and the baby had died at about 6/7 weeks but this time they are REALL REALLY dark using the same ebay cheapy tests, lets hope that thats a good sign.. I've felt really bad today, went home sick from work due to a really bad head ache which was making me feel sick so hopefully its because i'm feeling rough somewhere else thats why my boobs dont seem to be as sore.. oh i dunno, just hope i get a scan next week to put my mind at rest...
tbh hun i dont really know, but im sure all is fine :hug:
I wouldnt worry at all, my boobs stopped hurting for 3-4 days and then started hurting more than they had originally, my boobs have now calmed down a lot, and although a little tender, not painful anymore - if you are having bad sickness then I wouldnt worry (I havent had any!!)
Ok so they are really hurting again today, i wish they would stop all this hurting one min and not the next, its doing my blinkin head in... :wall:
:hug: :hug: :hug: I'm with you hun. One day I think OMG my boobs don't hurt and I don't feel sick-I've lost it and the next I'm cursing the spewy feeling and wanting to walk around with no bra or top on. It's so difficult, I don't think these past weeks have ever seemed so slow, they seem to creep by.

Hang on in there :hug:
My boobies don't hurt at all this time round and they killed when I was pregnant with Gabs.

I definitely think this pregnancy thing is an emotional rollercoaster.

Take care :hug:
Just to reassure you i was exactly the same half the week full blown nausea and sore boobs, the other half nothing it was awful as i felt i had lost her every week! i invested in a doppler later on although couldnt catch the heartbeat i could her her moving around in there which was reassuring,

I lost all nausea from ten weeks and then just had sore boobs on and off so dont panic if your nausea/sickness dies down its not always bad news

I've yet to even have sore boobs. I was actually looking forward to a wee increase in size since I'm pretty small anyway, but nothing's happening!
Don't worry too much about it, I'm sure you'll be fine :)
I was like this too - somedays I'd have every symptom going and others I'd have none!

Very annoying as you just start to feel confident and then the worry comes back again! Try not to worry - easier said than done - and try and enjoy to good days!

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