A little worried...


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2011
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Hey girls,

for the past couple of days ive had like a mild shooting pain in my belly, yesterday it was on my left hand side and now today its on the right side ... as this is my first im not sure if this is normal or not?? its not really awful but im aware of it and it can be uncomfortable.

can anyone help me with thoughts as to what it could be... my work friend just said its possibly my belly stretching but im not sure.

Your friend is right hun, the time to worry is when you are doubled over in pain and bleeding :) x x
I'm not really sure either but I have felt something similar. Last week especially, I had this shooting pain in my left side. I haven't had it since but it was very uncomfortable and just not nice!

I asked my mum because she's had three children and she said, "I wouldn't worry, you feel lot's of niggles and all sorts of things when you're pregnant". My Dad trying to be funny said, "Yeah you do". :rolleyes: :lol:

I wouldn't worry sweetie but perhaps it's a good idea just to ask your midwife?
Also.. round ligament pain can cause a shooting pain sensation.
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I think your friend is right too hun, i had it about 4/5 weeks ago..i was walking around the town centre and had to go to the toilets to check i wasnt bleeding because the pains were so bad.. no blood just shooting crampy pains everyone told me they were stretching pains, as long as you arent in horrific pain or bleeding i would trust its just growing/strecthing pains :) xx
I get the exact same pains you are describing. It can be worrying at first but having checked with my midwife and the ladies on here it is stretching and is completely normal hun. xxx
thank you so much girls, you know when you just get a bit worried!! its so uncomfortable though sometimes but at least i know its just probably stretching!!
:) xxxxx
I had this the other day, it was kinda like stabbing pains, luckily it went away, i'd say u shld see how you go, if it continues contact mw.


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