A little worried now..*Update - Feeling Worse*


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2010
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Last 3 days Ive been realllly crampy , more so in the mornings when i first get up, or if ive been walking around, or sitting still too long. Its not painfull cramping.. but still unpleasant, but no bleeding.

Ive also not felt bubs move in a couple days, And He hasnt changed positions from last night when i went to bed, even though I was running around all this morning, and he normally sits very low during the day when im so active.

Am I worrying for nothing?

Update - Ive been lying in bed all afternoon with a splitting headache, too cold to be out of blankets, im breathless and my heart rate is up at 105..

I called my Mum, She asked if i wanted to goto the ER, I said no, and she said well theres nothing I can do, and hung up. :wall2:

Do I need to go in ? Or keep waiting it out in bed..?
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Not sure but it sounds like you should try to speak to midwife/GP and get their advice.
You may just have a bug, but I'd call your midwife just to make sure - they may want to check you out hun x
Yeah i'd call to check hun, even if just to put your mind at rest. x
Called, no one available to speak to at the moment but receptionist took note of everything ive written here, offered for me to go in now and wait, said id rather be home so she said somone will call me later today.
Hope your alright hunni my baba wasn't moving for like three days earlier this week and they told me coz I wasn't 28 weeks gone they wouldn't do anything so hope you have better care than I do x
Aww hopefully it's just a bug unrelated to pregnancy!! Hope they call you back soon :)
Ok midwife called me back (Not mine) and said "Im sorry I cant advise you unless you come in"

She wont even tell me if I -need- to come in. She is refusing to give me advice atall.

Im staying home unless I start cramping again.
Scratch that, She called back and said I -have- to go in. So here I go, Wish me luck!
Sorry that you are feeling so bad, hopefully you feel better soon!! Have you maybe been doing a bit too much? Yesterday I had a really busy day and was running around way too much withouth having a break and in the evening I started having a few cramps. After just sitting down and relaxing they stopped and haven't come back.
hey hun...just read ur post...good luck...hope it went well...let us know how it went....xx

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