A Little Confused ... Please Help


New Member
Nov 7, 2011
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Hi All,

Sorry if I seem silly when asking this question but I am a little confused.

My husband and I had sex the day before my period was due. (4th)
I was due on the 5th but I am still waiting and have no signs such as little pains that I would normally get before I was due on.

Is there any chance that I could be pregnant?
Also ...
Would I be right in saying a pregnancy test would come up negative as it is early days as it was only a few days ago the whole 'fertilisation' wouldn't of completed yet.

I am normally too the day with my period dates and have always been exact with the exception of when I was pregnant with our daughter.

Any help would be gratefully received as I am a little confused :cry:

Thank you in advance
I don't think your pregnant if you only had sex the day before your period but I suppose anything is possible. Are you trying to conceive? If so have you thought about using opks to see when you ovulate? Best of luck Hun xx
There is of course the possibility you were pregnant before you had sex the day before your period. If you dtd approx 2 weeks before this you would have caught your fertile window xx
Very true I think take a test just so you can put your mind at ease x
I do not think I could fall pregnant the day before my period was due but I suppose anything can happen.

When would be best to take a test do you think ?
Am I right in saying you need to wait for the 'fertilisation' to happen first?

Unfortunately I am not very clued up on all of this. :-s

With our daughter I fell pregnant first time we tried, missed my period, took a test a week later and was positive and that was that so to speak.

Thanks btw :)
If you have a 28 day cycle you would normally ov around day 14 implantation happens around 6 days after ov then it takes a few days after this for enough pregnancy hormone to be detected on a test. Everyones cycle is different this is just a rough guide. I hope this helps x
My poor little head haha

I think I am going to wait another few days and see if my period 'arrives' if not then I think I will do a test to see.

If I did fall pregnant a few days ago then I think it would be to early to take a test , wont it?

Oh dear haha I understand the whole cycle and dates etc and of course I would of missed the 'fertile window' but what I fail to understand is why I have missed my period when normally I am like clockwork and too the day.


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